



给定一个任意的未着色的二叉树(具有NULL节点),是否存在一种“快速”算法,该算法可以确定我们是否可以对节点Red / Black进行着色(并查找着色),以便它们满足Red-Black树的所有属性(这个问题的定义)?








这是一种计算任何节点颜色的算法 n

if n is root,
    n.color = black
    n.black-quota = height n / 2, rounded up.

else if n.parent is red,
    n.color = black
    n.black-quota = n.parent.black-quota.

else (n.parent is black)
    if n.min-height < n.parent.black-quota, then
        error "shortest path was too short"
    else if n.min-height = n.parent.black-quota then
        n.color = black
    else (n.min-height > n.parent.black-quota)
        n.color = red
    either way,
        n.black-quota = n.parent.black-quota - 1


为简便起见,令h n =m n =b(n)= n.black-quotah(n)= n.heightm(n)= n.min-height

定理:修正了一个二叉树。如果为每个节点Ñ Ťħ Ñ 2 Ñ 和节点- [R = Ť b [R [ 1TnTh(n)2m(n)r=root(T)T具有红黑色,从根到叶的每条路径上都有正好是br)个黑色节点。b(r)[12h(r),m(r)]Tb(r)



根据红黑树的定义,根是黑色。令为具有黑色父级p的节点,使得b p [ 1np。然后bÑ=bp-1ħÑ=^ hp-1^ hÑÑp-1b(p)[12h(p),m(p)]b(n)=b(p)1h(n)=h(p)1h(n)m(n)m(p)1

假设该定理对于所有根为树成立,b r < b qrb(r)<b(q)


如果然后bn=b(p)=12h(p)n不满足归纳假设,因此必须为红色。令cn的子代。hc=hp2bc=bp1=1b(n)=12h(n)1ncnh(c)=h(p)2。然后b(c)=b(p)1=12h(p)1=12h(c)c can be red-black colored by the inductive assumption.

Note that, by the same reasoning, if b(n)(12h(r),m(r)), then both n and a child of n satisfy the inductive assumption. Therefore n could have any color.

@Aryabhata, any traversal is fine, as long as the parent is seen before its children. I don't have a formal proof written, but I have an idea of how it would look. I'll try writing something up when I can.
Karolis Juodelė

@Aryabhata, i added a proof. Sorry I took so long.
Karolis Juodelė

@Aryabhata, the idea is that if b(p) of some node p is withing certain bounds, a child or grandchild c of p can have b(c) within those same bounds. Having b(n) in those bounds may correspond to n being black. Most of the proof is about bounding h and m of a child or grandchild, given h and m of the parent or grandparent. Your tree is certainly colorable. b(root)=8, left child is black and right child is red, the path of length 16 is brbrbr, the path of length 8 is bbbbbbbb, paths of 9 and 12 can have multiple valid colorings.
Karolis Juodelė


I believe Karolis' answer is correct (and a pretty nice characterization of red-black trees, giving an O(n) time algorithm), just wanted to add another possible answer.

One approach is to use dynamic programming.

Given a tree, for each node n, you construct two sets: SR(n) and SB(n) which contains the possible black-heights for the subtree rooted at n. SR(n) contains the black-heights assuming n is coloured Red, and SB(n) assuming n is coloured black.

Now given the sets for n.Left and n.Right (i.e direct children of n), we can compute the corresponding sets for n, by taking appropriate intersections and unions (and incrementing as needed).

I believe this comes out be an O(nlogn) time algorithm.

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