





问题:给定一个(纯)λ -term t没有弱头正常形式,确实有总是存在一个定点组合子Yt使得

Yt (λx.x)=t



Y f=f (Y f)


我也有兴趣在较弱的版本上面的问题,例如t可以被视为是一个应用程序tt1 t2tn每个ti在正常的形式(虽然我不知道确实有帮助)。

到目前为止:自然的方法是在整个过程中采用f的t和“ pepper”应用程序,例如f

Ω:=(λx.x x)(λx.x x)


YΩ:=λf.(λx.f (x x)) (λx.f (x x))

这个想法是减少头 t到的λ应用λx.t并将其替换为λx.f t,但下一步尚不清楚(我怀疑这会导致任何结果)。



(λx.x x x)(λx.x x x)
(λx.f (x x x))(λx.f (x x x))
但是,这是不是一个固定的点组合子!这可以通过替换所述第二应用被固定fλyz.f y,但随后fI不给原词。尚不清楚该术语是否是原始问题的反例(当然,它不是更一般的反例)。

我认为应该加强对t没有头部正常形式的要求,以排除弱的头部正常形式。如果t能够产生lambda,则由于在头部位置始终有一个定点组合器(以f = id开头),因此应该由它生成lambda,这是不可能的。
Andrea Asperti






之前在评论中注意到,有人有反例,例如“食人魔” ,直到问题被限制条款不弱的头部正常形态。这样的项称为零项。这些术语在任何替换下都不会降低为lambda。K=YK

对于任何定点组合器(fpc)Y都是所谓的静音(AKA“ root-active”)术语:每次减少都会进一步减少为redex。YI

是不是哑巴; 既不是 Ω 3 -为是明显的,通过检查它的集约简的,这是 { Ω 3 λ X X X X λ X X X X ķ |KΩ3



静音项是零项的子类,而零项是不可解的项的子类。这些在一起可能是lambda演算中“无意义”或“未定义”概念的最受欢迎选择,分别对应于琐碎的Berarducci,Levy-Longo和B \“ ohm树。 Paula Severi和Fer-Jan de Vries已对其进行了详细分析[1]静默项构成了该晶格的底部元素,即“ undefined”的限制性最强的概念。

2.令为静音项,令Y为具有Y I = M的属性的循环组合器。MYYI=M

首先我们争辩说,对于一个新鲜变量Y z实际上看起来很像您描述的Y M,它是通过将z散布在M的某些还原上而获得的。zYzYMzM

通过Church-Rosser,M具有相同的归约M '。取标准一化R Y I s M '。的每subterm 中号对应于一个独特的subterm ÿ ÿ ž [ ž = ]该还原下。对于任何subterm Ç [ Ñ ] = 中号'- [R因素Ñ 0 ] 瓦特YIMMR:YIsMMYIYz[z:=I]C[N]=MR,其中,所述中间腿是弱头减少(和最终腿是内部)。 Ñ是“守卫”由Ž当且仅当该第二腿收缩一些归约式P,与的取代的后代[žYIC[N0]whC[N1]iC[N]NzIPI[z:=I]

显然,必须保护M的某些子项,否则它也将是静音的。另一方面,必须小心不要保护非终止所需的那些子项,否则它将无法形成循环组合器的无限B \“欧姆树。YM


考虑,其中w ^ = λ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^。就像Ω一样,但是在每次迭代中,我们通过向其提供标识来检查在参数位置W的出现是否被head变量“阻止”。将z置于任何子项前面将最终产生形状z P 1P k的正则形式,其中每个P iIW或其中的“ z散布”。所以ΨΨ=WWW=λw.wIwwΩWzzP1PkPiIWzΨ 是广义问题的反例。

定理。没有循环组合器使得Y I = ΨYYI=Ψ

证明。该组的所有约简的{ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ w ^ }。为了敞篷Ψÿ 必须减少其中之一。在所有情况下该论点都是相同的;为了具体,假定ÿ w ^ w ^Ψ{WW,WIWW,IIIIWW,IIIWW,IIWW,IWW}ΨYIYIIIWW

任何标准还原可以被分解为 ÿ 瓦特 P Ñ 4P 瓦特 Q Ñ 3Q 瓦特Ñ 1 Ñ 2从而  ÿ 瓦特Ñ 1 ñ 2 Ñ 3 Ñ 4 ñ 1ñ 2ñ 3YIsIIWW

YIwPN4,PwQN3,QwN1N2,thus YIwN1N2N3N4N1I,N2I,N3W,N4W

让我们参阅还原- [R 0,和从开始减少Ñ 作为ř YIwN1N2N3N4R0NiRi

这些减少可以通过替代被提升,得到 ř ž 0ý ž ž ķ中号1 中号2 中号3 中号4ñ 中号 [ ž = ] ,使得- [R 0是组合物ÿ ř ž 0 [ ž = ] [z:=I]


Similarly, we can lift each Ri:NiN{I,W} as


The second leg of this factorization of Ri consists precisely of contracting those I-redexes which are created by the substitution Niz[z:=I]. (In particular, since N is a normal form, so is Niz.)

Niz is what we called a "z-sprinkling of N", obtained by placing any number of zs around any number of subterms of N. Since N{I,W}, the shape of Niz will be one of


So M1M2M3M4N1zN2zN3zN4z, with Niz a z-sprinkling of I for i=1,2 and of W for i=3,4.

At the same time, the term N1zN2zN3zN4z should yet reduce to yield the infinite fpc Bohm tree z(z(z())). So there must exist a "sprinkle" zkj in one of the Niz which comes infinitely often to the head of the term, yet does not block further reductions of it.

And now we are done. By inspecting each Niz, for i4, and each possible value of kj, for j2+7i12, we find that no such sprinkling exists.

For example, if we modify the last W in IIWW as Wz=λw.z(wIww), then we get the normalizing reduction


(Notice that Ω admits such a sprinkling precisely because a certain subterm of it can be "guarded" without affecting non-normalization. The variable comes in head position, but enough redexes remain below.)

3. The "sprinkling transformation" has other uses. For example, by placing z in front of every redex in M, we obtain a term N=λz.Mz which is a normal form, yet satisfies the equation NI=M. This was used by Statman in [2], for example.

4. Alternatively, if you relax the requirement that YI=M, you can find various (weak) fpcs Y which simulate the reduction of M, while outputting a chain of zs along the way. I am not sure this would answer your general question, but there are certainly a number of (computable) transformations MYM which output looping combinators for every mute M, in such a way that the reduction graph of YM is structurally similar to that of M. For example, one can write

YMz={z(YP[x:=Q]z)M(λx.P)QYNzM is not a redex and MwhN

[1] Severi P., de Vries FJ. (2011) Decomposing the Lattice of Meaningless Sets in the Infinitary Lambda Calculus. In: Beklemishev L.D., de Queiroz R. (eds) Logic, Language, Information and Computation. WoLLIC 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6642.

[2] Richard Statman. There is no hyperrecurrent S,K combinator. Research Report 91–133, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1991.

This answer is great, and I will likely accept it. However, I'm not sure what the actual theorems you are describing, other than "there is no looping combinator Y such that Y I=Ω3". I think stating the theorems separately will make the arguments much easier to follow.

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