为什么Set Returning Function(SRF)在FROM子句中运行较慢?


这是数据库内部的问题。我使用的是PostgreSQL 9.5,我想知道为什么在FROM子句中设置返回函数(SRF)(也称为表值函数(TVF))运行速度较慢,例如当我执行这些命令时,

CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,1e7);
SELECT 10000000
Time: 5573.574 ms


CREATE TABLE foo AS SELECT generate_series(1,1e7);
SELECT 10000000
Time: 4622.567 ms

这里是否可以制定一条通用规则,以便我们应该始终FROM子句之外运行Set-Returning Functions ?




tinker=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,1e7);
                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                           
 Function Scan on generate_series  (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=32) (actual time=2382.582..4291.136 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.022 ms
 Execution time: 5539.522 ms
(3 rows)

tinker=> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT generate_series(1,1e7);
                                           QUERY PLAN                                            
 Result  (cost=0.00..5.01 rows=1000 width=0) (actual time=0.008..2622.365 rows=10000000 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.045 ms
 Execution time: 3858.661 ms
(3 rows)

好的,现在我们知道该操作SELECT * FROM generate_series()是使用Function Scan节点执行的,而SELECT generate_series()使用Result节点是执行的。导致这些查询执行不同的原因归结为这两个节点之间的差异,我们确切地知道在哪里查找。

EXPLAIN ANALYZE输出中的另一件有趣的事情是:注意计时。SELECT generate_series()actual time=0.008..2622.365SELECT * FROM generate_series()而是actual time=2382.582..4291.136。该Function Scan节点开始返回各地的时间记录Result节点完成返回的记录。

PostgreSQL 在计划之间t=0和计划中做t=2382Function Scan什么?显然,这与运行需要多长时间有关generate_series(),所以我敢打赌这正是它正在做的事情。答案开始成形:似乎Result立即返回结果,而似乎Function Scan具体化结果然后进行扫描。


 *      Result nodes are used in queries where no relations are scanned.


Function Scan生活在nodeFunctionScan.c,实际上似乎需要采取两个阶段的执行策略

 * If first time through, read all tuples from function and put them
 * in a tuplestore. Subsequent calls just fetch tuples from
 * tuplestore.

为了清楚起见,让我们看看a tuplestore是什么

 * tuplestore.h
 *    Generalized routines for temporary tuple storage.
 * This module handles temporary storage of tuples for purposes such
 * as Materialize nodes, hashjoin batch files, etc.  It is essentially
 * a dumbed-down version of tuplesort.c; it does no sorting of tuples
 * but can only store and regurgitate a sequence of tuples.  However,
 * because no sort is required, it is allowed to start reading the sequence
 * before it has all been written.  This is particularly useful for cursors,
 * because it allows random access within the already-scanned portion of
 * a query without having to process the underlying scan to completion.
 * Also, it is possible to support multiple independent read pointers.
 * A temporary file is used to handle the data if it exceeds the
 * space limit specified by the caller.

假设得到证实。Function Scan预先执行,实现函数的结果,对于较大的结果集,结果会溢出到磁盘中。Result不会实现任何东西,但仅支持琐碎的操作。

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