


我知道我可以打开可视化器并选择一个不同的分支,但是,只需按住undo / redo键并观察完全相反的顺序,这将非常有用。理想情况下,无论visualizer缓冲区是否打开,它都应该起作用-即,以编程方式计算从头到尾以及从头到尾的顺序。






我认为线性浏览撤消树的关键是undo-list-rebuild-from-tree。一个人应该- let绑定变量buffer-undo-list,让它undo-list-rebuild-from-tree工作。然后,将该值复制到另一个局部变量,例如my-undo-list,并保留let-form进行绑定buffer-undo-list。变量my-undo-list决定通过的线性路径undo-tree。看一看undo-list-rebuild-from-tree,该函数也使用时间戳。我之前曾考虑过使用时间戳。但是,我给人的印象是,这些变化太频繁了。








(defvar-local undo-tree-walk
  "Possible values:
nil: not in undo/redo-chain
undo: traversing undo tree upwards
redo: traversing undo tree downwards

(setq undo-tree-walk nil)

(defun undo-tree-walk ()
  "Walk the right-upper part of the undo-tree starting at the current node."
  (when (eq buffer-undo-list t)
    (user-error "No undo information."))
  (unless undo-tree-mode
    (user-error "`undo-tree-walk' should only be used with `undo-tree-mode'."))
  (set-transient-map undo-tree-walk-map t #'undo-tree-walk-off)
  (let ((num-branches (undo-tree-num-branches)))
     ((= num-branches 0) ; arrived at leaf
      (setq undo-tree-walk 'undo))
     ((> num-branches 1) ; 
      (let ((branch (undo-tree-node-branch (undo-tree-current buffer-undo-tree))))
    (setf (undo-tree-node-branch (undo-tree-current buffer-undo-tree))
          (if (>= (1+ branch) (undo-tree-num-branches))
            (setq undo-tree-walk 'undo)
            (1- (undo-tree-num-branches)))
        (setq undo-tree-walk 'redo)
        (1+ branch))))
      ;; no state change for (= num-branches 1)
  (case undo-tree-walk
    (setq undo-tree-walk 'undo)
  (let ((curbuf (current-buffer)))
    (switch-to-buffer-other-window curbuf)))

(defun undo-tree-walk-off ()
  "Switch `undo-tree-walk' off."
  (setq undo-tree-walk nil))

(defvar undo-tree-walk-map
  "Keymap active while `undo-tree-walk'.")

(define-key undo-tree-walk-map (kbd "C-M-_") #'undo-tree-walk)

(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-_") #'undo-tree-walk)



我一开始就添加了以下内容,undo-tree-walk以克服一些初始错误,可能是因为我没有全局激活该模式。 (when (eq buffer-undo-list t) (user-error "No undo information.")) (undo-list-transfer-to-tree) 在尝试此答案时,这使我在新缓冲区中出现的最初错误消失了。我的下一个观察结果是undo-tree-walk到达分支点,然后切换到右侧的分支,但是在将分支返回到主干之前,仅在分支上下降了一个凹口/小结。我的首选设置为每个按键都创建了一个凹口/结节。



undo-list-transfer-to-tree根据您的建议添加了@lawlist 。在此之前,我测试是否undo-tree-mode活跃,否则undo-list-transfer-to-tree可能致命。

由于相关主题的答案,最近获得了赏金奖励: emacs.stackexchange.com/a/32415/2287emacs.stackexchange.com/a/32416/2287,因为它们是实现新功能的关键要素。简而言之,每个节点都有一个时间戳列表-每次成功撤消/重做后以及首次导入时,每个节点变为当前时间戳。我想出了一种可视化的想法,即在每个节点下垂直显示时间戳,并相应地延长分支的长度,这需要花费一些时间来进行编程计算。


特别感谢@Tobias编写了在撤消/重做历史中查找下一个/上一个时间戳的函数:https ://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/32415/2287 ; 并且还编写了一系列复制撤消树的函数:https : //emacs.stackexchange.com/a/32230/2287


如果有人感兴趣,请随时尝试一下此新功能。注释包含一个示例错误报告提交表单emacs -q,该表单从任何人遇到问题时开始。

源代码:https :   //github.com/lawlist/undo_tree


;;; This unofficial modification by @lawlist to the `undo-tree.el` library authored
;;; by Toby Cubitt adds semi-linear undo/redo support and a corresponding visualizer
;;; view accessible with `C-u C-x u` or by using the 3-way toggle with the letter `t`
;;; in the visualization buffer.  This entire library is meant to be a replacement
;;; of the stock version of `undo-tree.el`, which would need to be completely removed
;;; from the `load-path'.  In the visualization buffer, the letters `u` / `r`
;;; or `z` / `Z` are used for semi-linear undo/redo.  In the working buffer,
;;; `super-u` / `super-r` or `super-z`/`super-Z` are used for semi-linear undo/redo.
;;; Semi-linear undo/redo also work in the classic views of the visualization buffer.
;;; All previous keyboard shortcuts remain unchanged.  The mouse can be used to
;;; select semi-linear nodes or branch-point timestamps in the visualization buffer.
;;; The term `semi-linear` was chosen because the time-line is generally structured
;;; as follows:  When undoing, the movement is in an upward direction from the
;;; leaf to the branch-point and then the previous branch begins undoing from the
;;; leaf.  When redoing, the movement is in a downward direction from the branch-
;;; point to the leaf and then the next branch begins redoing from the branch-point.
;;; It is not a situation where we walk-up and back-down the same branch, or walk-
;;; down and back-up the same branch again.  If that missing feature is useful,
;;; then perhaps it could be implemented someday....
;;; In a nutshell, the classic version of undo-tree undo/redo limits a user to
;;; the active branch (skipping over inactive branches), unless the user calls
;;; `undo-tree-switch-branch' or `undo-tree-visualize-switch-branch-right' or
;;; `undo-tree-visualize-switch-branch-left' to select an alternative branch.  This
;;; generally means a user must pop-open the visualizer buffer to see what is going
;;; on to make a proper decision.  The new semi-linear feature is essentially
;;; "mindless" where the user can just hold down the forward/reverse button and
;;; go through every node of the tree in chronological order -- i.e., all branches
;;; and nodes are visited in the process (nothing is skipped over).
;;; The labels in the visualization buffer remain the same:  `o`, `x`, `s`, register.
;;; The branches are labeled consecutively as they are drawn with lowercase letters.
;;; The branch-points are labeled consecutively as they are drawn with uppercase
;;; letters.  The branches coming off of each branch-point are labeled with the nth
;;; numeric position of the branch -- e.g., far left is always nth 0.  The nodes of
;;; each branch are numbered consecutively commencing just after the branch-point.
;;; The features that are available in `undo-tree.el` version 0.6.6 remain the same;
;;; however, some of the functions have been consolidated and the names have changed.
;;; `undo-tree-history-save' and `undo-tree-history-restore' support input/output
;;; to/from a string or a file.  The history string/file contains three components:
;;; `buffer-file-name' (if it exists; else `nil`); SHA1 string; the `undo-tree-list'.
;;; Histories created with the unmodified stock version of `undo-tree.el` contained 2
;;; components and those previous versions are no longer supported.  Saving/exporting
;;; excludes all text-properties, yasnippet entries, and multiple-cursors entries.
;;; `read' chokes when encountering #<marker in no buffer> or #<overlay in no buffer>,
;;; that can make their way into the `undo-tree-list' when killing the visualizer
;;; buffer by brute force or when using the yasnippet library.  Those two known
;;; situations have been dealt with programmatically.  However, there are surely
;;; other libraries that use markers and/or overlays that could make their way into
;;; the tree and new ways of dealing with those entries will be required.  If you
;;; encounter an error message when performing `undo-tree-history-save', please
;;; inspect the `*Messages*` buffer for clues such as the above examples.  Inasmuch
;;; as there is now a sanity check at the tail end of `undo-tree-history-save', any
;;; problems should materialize before a user actually tries to restore the history.
;;; The persistent undo storage has been expanded by adding certain features borrowed
;;; from the built-in `image-dired.el' library:
;;; `undo-tree-history-autosave':  When non-nil, `undo-tree-mode' will save undo
;;;                                history to a file when a buffer is saved; and,
;;;                                the save/restore functions attached to the
;;;                                following hooks will become active:
;;;                                -  `write-file-functions'
;;;                                -  `find-file-hook'
;;;                                To exclude certain files, users may wish to let-
;;;                                bind this variable to `nil` if it has a global
;;;                                non-nil value.  See also the next variable below.
;;; `undo-tree-history-file-exclusions':  A list of absolute file names that will be
;;;                                       excluded from the auto save/restore process.
;;; `undo-tree-history-alist':  Used when `undo-tree-history-storage' is 'classic.
;;;                             See the doc-string for customization tips/tricks.
;;; `undo-tree-history-directory':  Directory where history files are stored when
;;;                                `undo-tree-history-storage' is 'central.
;;; `undo-tree-history-storage':  How to store undo-tree history files.
;;;                               'classic:  See `undo-tree-history-alist'.
;;;                               'home (md5):  A folder in the HOME directory.
;;;                               'central (md5):  See `undo-tree-history-directory'.
;;;                               'local:  Create sub-directory in working directory.
;;; For those users who wish to use Emacs to view the saved/exported history, be
;;; aware that the undo history is one long string, and Emacs has trouble viewing a
;;; buffer with very long lines.  `(setq-default bidi-display-reordering nil)` will
;;; help permit Emacs to view buffers with very long lines without bogging down.
;;; The primary interactive functions for undo/redo in the working buffer are:
;;;   M-x undo-tree-classic-undo
;;;   M-x undo-tree-classic-redo
;;;   M-x undo-tree-linear-undo
;;;   M-x undo-tree-linear-redo
;;; The primary interactive functions for undo/redo in the visualization buffer are:
;;;   M-x undo-tree-visualize-classic-undo
;;;   M-x undo-tree-visualize-classic-redo
;;;   M-x undo-tree-visualize-linear-undo
;;;   M-x undo-tree-visualize-linear-redo
;;; If the built-in undo amalgamation business is not to your liking, it can be
;;; disabled to permit undo boundaries after every command:
;;;   ;;; https://stackoverflow.com/a/41560712/2112489
;;;   (advice-add 'undo-auto--last-boundary-amalgamating-number :override #'ignore)
;;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=27214
;;; https://emacs.stackexchange.com/q/33248/2287
;;; GARBAGE COLLECTION:  @lawlist has encountered a few situations where garbage
;;; collection truncates the `undo-tree-canary' in the `buffer-undo-list', which
;;; causes `undo-tree-transfer-list' to replace the existing `undo-tree-list'
;;; with the new tree fragment obtained from the `buffer-undo-list'.  In this
;;; circumstance, the user loses the entire undo-tree saved history!  The internal
;;; function responsible is `truncate_undo_list' in `undo.c`.  @lawlist has added a
;;; programmatic warning when loss of the existing `undo-tree-list' is about to
;;; occur; however, that does not fix the problem.  The relevant section from
;;; `truncate_undo_list' in `undo.c` is as follows:
;;;          /* When we get to a boundary, decide whether to truncate
;;;      either before or after it.  The lower threshold, undo_limit,
;;;      tells us to truncate after it.  If its size pushes past
;;;      the higher threshold undo_strong_limit, we truncate before it.  */
;;;          if (NILP (elt))
;;;     {
;;;       if (size_so_far > undo_strong_limit)
;;;         break;
;;;       last_boundary = prev;
;;;       if (size_so_far > undo_limit)
;;;         break;
;;;     }
;;; @lawlist opines that setting the `undo-limit' to the same value as
;;; `undo-strong-limit' will cause `truncate_undo_list' to preserve the
;;; `undo-tree-canary' in the `buffer-undo-list' by truncating before the boundary.
;;; This workaround is not ideal because a more recent undo would be truncated in
;;; lieu of an older undo.  One idea would be to convince the Emacs team to modify
;;; `truncate_undo_list' to preserve certain user-defined elements; e.g., a symbol
;;; of `undo-tree-canary'.
;;; The built-in function named `primitive-undo' defined in `simple.el` was used
;;; in the original version of `undo-tree.el`.  @lawlist created a modified
;;; function named `undo-tree--primitive-undo' that serves the same purpose, but
;;; permits setting a window-point in the working buffer while a user is in a
;;; different window such as the visualization buffer.  The revised version also
;;; merely reports a problem with a message instead of throwing an error when it
;;; encounters an `undo-tree-canary' in the wrong location.  This bug was noticed
;;; by @lawlist when performing undo/redo in region, and a Google search revealed
;;; that others too have experienced the same problem.  The bug is fairly easy to
;;; reproduce, but @lawlist has not yet invested the time to look for the cause
;;; and try to come up with a solution.  For anyone who wishes to work on fixing
;;; this and view other mentions of the same problem on the internet, Google:
;;;   "Unrecognized entry in undo list undo-tree-canary"
;;; The semi-linear visualization buffer view looks like this:
;;;        o-00001-a-0
;;;             |
;;;        o-br/pt-A-0
;;;         ____|_______________________________
;;;        /                                    \
;;;  o-00001-b-0                            o-00001-c-1
;;;       |                                      |
;;;  o-00002-b-0                            o-00002-c-1
;;;       |                                      |
;;;  o-00003-b-0                            o-00003-c-1
;;;                                              |
;;;                                         o-00004-c-1
;;;                                              |
;;;                                         o-br/pt-B-1
;;;         _____________________________________|________________________
;;;        /            /                        |                        \
;;;  o-00001-d-0  o-00001-e-1               o-br/pt-C-2               o-00001-f-3
;;;                    |                              |
;;;               o-00002-e-1                    o-00002-f-3
;;;              ___________|___________
;;;                    |             /           |           \             |
;;;               o-00003-e-1  o-00001-g-0  o-00001-h-1  o-00001-i-2  o-00003-f-3
;;;                    |            |            |            |            |
;;;               o-00004-e-1  x-00002-g-0  o-00002-h-1  o-00002-i-2  o-00004-f-3
;;;       23:03:45:36
;;;                    |                                      |            |
;;;               o-00005-e-1                            o-00003-i-2  o-00005-f-3
;;;                    |                                      |            |
;;;               o-00006-e-1                            o-00004-i-2  o-00006-f-3
;;;                    |                                      |            |
;;;               o-00007-e-1                            o-00005-i-2  o-00007-f-3
;;;                    |                                      |            |
;;;               o-00008-e-1                            o-00006-i-2  o-00008-f-3
;;; To check for updates, please visit the source-code of the link listed at the
;;; top and also review the "Change Log" at the bottom.
;;; Bug reports and feature requests may be submitted via email to the address at
;;; the top.  Essentially, if it breaks in half, I can guarantee that you will
;;; have 2 pieces that may not necessarily be the same size.  :)  That being said,
;;; I will certainly make efforts to fix any problem that may arise relating to
;;; the semi-linear undo/redo feature.  A step 1-2-3 recipe starting from emacs -q
;;; would be very helpful so that @lawlist can observe the same behavior described
;;; in the bug report.  Here is an example to get you started:
;;; 1.  In an internet browser, visit: https://www.lawlist.com/lisp/undo-tree.el
;;;     Select/highlight all and copy everything to the clipboard.
;;; 2.  Launch Emacs without any user settings whatsoever:  emacs -q
;;;     If possible, please use the latest stable public release of Emacs.
;;;     @lawlist is using the GUI version of Emacs 25.2.1 on OSX.
;;; 3.  Switch to the `*scratch*` buffer.
;;; 4.  Paste the entire contents of the clpipboard into the `*scratch*` buffer.
;;; 5.  M-x eval-buffer RET
;;; 6.  M-x eval-expression RET (setq undo-tree-history-autosave t) RET
;;; 7.  M-x undo-tree-mode RET
;;;     The mode-line indicates `UT`, meaning that `undo-tree-mode' is active.
;;; 8.  M-x save-buffer RET
;;;     @lawlist chose to save the file to his desktop with the name `foo`, and
;;;     also chose to overwrite the file if it already existed; i.e., `y`.
;;;     Look at the lower left-hand side of the mode-line and notice that it
;;;     indicates an unmodified state; i.e., U:--- foo ....
;;; 9.  M-x undo-tree-classic-undo RET
;;;     Look at the lower left-hand side of the mode-line and notice that it
;;;     indicates we have returned to a modified state; i.e., U:**- foo ....
;;; 10. M-x undo-tree-classic-undo RET
;;;     The `undo-tree' library that we had previously pasted to the `*scratch*`
;;;     buffer should now be completely undone; i.e., removed.
;;; 11. M-x undo-tree-classic-undo RET
;;;     The buffer should be completely empty at this point; i.e., the initial
;;;     `*scratch*` message has been removed.
;;; 12. M-x undo-tree-classic-undo RET
;;;     The following `user-error' appears:
;;;       "user-error:  undo-tree--undo-or-redo:  No further undo information."
;;;     This is exactly the behavior that @lawlist expected would happen, so
;;;     everything up to this point appears to be working correctly.
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