我认为您的意思是使用XNA和/或XNA GS制作的任何AAA级游戏。对此,答案是否定的。过去,C / C ++已成为游戏行业的黄金标准。这并不是没有原因的,大多数AAA游戏宁愿以所有不错的语法和运行时支持来换取额外的5FPS和更少的50MB RAM使用量,因为这两种游戏都直接转化为已售出的产品。当然有理由降低开发成本和缩短周期,但这在该行业中很难使用。
Lucas Arts的《清醒》也是用XNA编写的。Steam上的Blueberry Garden是一个独立标题,也是使用XNA编写的。
同样,要考虑到虽然不是完整游戏,但重要的AAA游戏的某些部分已用.NET编写。Supreme Commander将其用于多人游戏,而Neverwinter Nights Aurora编辑器是用.NET编写的。
Received a ton of media buzz, including
Funcom's (of Age of Conan/Anarchy Online fame) new game Bloodline Champions is written in XNA. It's currently in closed beta, but they have been quite generous with the beta keys.
What about Infiniminer ?
Infiniminer is a voxel based construction sandbox game written in C# using XNA.
It is officially recognised as the ancestor of Minecraft.
Weapon of Choice is an Indie game from Mommy's Best Games. The game is written in C#/XNA. Gamasutra has a great post-mortem where the developer discusses using C# to write a game (he had been using C/C++ prior to going independent).
I don't know if it's considered famous but it did win some awards.
Plain Site had a lot of buzz when it first appeared:
One of my favorite simulators, Auran's Trainz is written primarily in .NET.
While not technically .Net, many games made with Unity3D. EA has recently decided to use Unity3D for many of thier new games. The Unity3D engine uses Mono (an open source implementation of .Net) as it's scripting engine. Due to runtime optimizations, script performance as high as 120% native code speeds can be achieved.
For lower end platforms such as consoles (which IMHO makes them unsuitable for hardcore gamers), Mono and by extension Unity supports FULL AOT compilation. This allows games made in a Managed language to run on platforms that do not allow JIT.
As Unity's rendering engine and core components are programmed in C++, you easily break the 60FPS mark as long as you don't do stupid stuff that would ruin the FPS in C++ games as well. Don't iterate through a huge list every frame. Avoid using division, multiplying by 0.5 is 10 times faster than dividing by 2. Don't read from files every frame, cache the data as you need it. Don't run any more code every frame then you need, stick much of your code in methods that are only called when they are needed.