#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Find house blocks in osmnx graphs.
import numpy as np
import osmnx as ox
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from skimage.measure import label, find_contours, points_in_poly
from skimage.color import label2rgb
ox.config(log_console=True, use_cache=True)
def k_core(G, k):
H = nx.Graph(G, as_view=True)
core_nodes = nx.k_core(H, k)
H = H.subgraph(core_nodes)
return G.subgraph(core_nodes)
def plot2img(fig):
# remove margins
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0)
# convert to image
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/35362787/2912349
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/54334430/2912349
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
img_as_string, (width, height) = canvas.print_to_buffer()
as_rgba = np.fromstring(img_as_string, dtype='uint8').reshape((height, width, 4))
return as_rgba[:,:,:3]
G = ox.graph_from_address('Nørrebrogade 20, Copenhagen Municipality',
network_type='all', distance=500)
G_projected = ox.project_graph(G)
ox.save_graphml(G_projected, filename='network.graphml')
# G = ox.load_graphml('network.graphml')
H = k_core(G, 2)
fig1, ax1 = ox.plot_graph(H, node_size=0, edge_color='k', edge_linewidth=1)

img = plot2img(fig1)
label_image = label(img > 128)
image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image[:,:,0], image=img[:,:,0])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

# using a large region here as an example;
# however we could also loop over all unique labels, i.e.
# for ii in np.unique(labels.ravel()):
ii = np.argsort(np.bincount(label_image.ravel()))[-5]
mask = (label_image[:,:,0] == ii)
contours = find_contours(mask.astype(np.float), 0.5)
# Select the largest contiguous contour
contour = sorted(contours, key=lambda x: len(x))[-1]
# display the image and plot the contour;
# this allows us to transform the contour coordinates back to the original data cordinates
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
ax2.imshow(mask, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
ax2.step(contour.T[1], contour.T[0], linewidth=2, c='r')
# first column indexes rows in images, second column indexes columns;
# therefor we need to swap contour array to get xy values
contour = np.fliplr(contour)
pixel_to_data = ax2.transData + ax2.transAxes.inverted() + ax1.transAxes + ax1.transData.inverted()
transformed_contour = pixel_to_data.transform(contour)
transformed_contour_path = Path(transformed_contour, closed=True)
patch = PathPatch(transformed_contour_path, facecolor='red')

x = G.nodes.data('x')
y = G.nodes.data('y')
xy = np.array([(x[node], y[node]) for node in G.nodes])
eps = (xy.max(axis=0) - xy.min(axis=0)).mean() / 100
is_inside = transformed_contour_path.contains_points(xy, radius=-eps)
nodes_inside_block = [node for node, flag in zip(G.nodes, is_inside) if flag]
node_size = [50 if node in nodes_inside_block else 0 for node in G.nodes]
node_color = ['r' if node in nodes_inside_block else 'k' for node in G.nodes]
fig3, ax3 = ox.plot_graph(G, node_color=node_color, node_size=node_size)

if set(nodes_inside_block_1) & set(nodes_inside_block_2): # empty set evaluates to False
print("Blocks are neighbors.")