Questions tagged «argument-error»

Rails:运行rake db:seed时,US-ASCII中的无效字节序列(参数错误)
rake db:seed在我的Rails应用中运行时,出现此错误: US-ASCII中的无效字节序列(参数错误) 我只是添加science_majors到种子文件中,现在,当我运行rake db:seed它时,出现了以下错误: 无效的字节序列错误 为什么会这样,我该如何解决? seed.rb的一部分 @college = College.find_or_create_by_name!('University of Pittsburgh') if @college.update_attributes( url: 'university-of-pittsburgh', public: 'Public', years: '4-year', category: 'National University', calendar: 'Semester', location: 'Pittsburgh, PA', setting: 'Large City (250-500k)', retention: '90', majors: 'business/marketing: 15%|social sciences: 14%|health professions: 11%|english: 10%|engineering: 9%|psychology: 8%|biology: 7%|history: 5%', scholarships_link: '', map: …
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