

许多论文断言汉密尔顿模拟是BQP完全的(例如, 汉密尔顿模拟几乎所有参数都具有最佳依赖关系,汉密顿模拟则是通过量化进行的)。






该语句大致如下:let 为(标准化)产品状态,ħ是从一些特定类别的哈密顿(例如,仅最近邻耦合的上一维点阵组成),ö可观察到的包括一个体运营商,使得的张量积ø1,和是时间。鉴于承诺,ψ | Ë ^ h 牛逼Ø Ë - ^ h 牛逼 | ψ |ψHO^O^1tψ|eiHtO^eiHt|ψ大于或小于12+a代表一些a(例如a=112aa),确定是哪种情况。a=16




你可能会认为汉密尔顿的最简单的排序是要考虑的一个计算连续unitaries ü ñ作用于中号量子比特,从状态开始| 0 ⊗ 中号。然后,您可以引入一个额外的N个量子位,并指定哈密顿量 H =N1UnM|0MN

If you prepare your initial state as |1|0(N1)|0M then after a time Nπ/4, it will be in a state |0(N1)|1|Φ where |Φ is the output of the desired computation. The funny coupling strengths that I've used here, the n(Nn) are chosen specifically to give deterministic evolution, and are related to the concept of perfect state transfer. Usually you'll see results stated with equal couplings, but probabilistic evolution.

To see how this works, you define a set of states

The action of the Hamiltonian is then
which proves that the evolution is restricted to an N×N subspace which is represented by a tridiagonal matrix (which is the specific thing studied in perfect state transfer).

Of course, this Hamiltonian doesn't have any particularly nice properties - it is highly non-local, for example. There are many tricks that can be played to simplify the Hamiltonian to being, for example, one-dimensional. It can even be translationally invariant if you want, at the cost of having to prepare a more complex initial product state (at that point, the computation is no longer encoded in the Hamiltonian, which is universal, but is encoded in the input state). See here, for example.

Hamiltonian Simulation

The evolution of any Hamiltonian which is local on some lattice, acting on an initial product state, for a time that is no more than polynomial in the system size, can be simulated by a quantum computer, and any efficiently implementable measurement can be applied to estimate an observable. In this sense, you can see that Hamiltonian simulation is no harder than a quantum computation, the counter-point to the previous statement that quantum computation is no harder than Hamiltonian simulation.

There are many ways to do this (and there have been some recent papers that show significant improvements in error scaling for certain classes of Hamiltonian). Hre's quite a simple one. Take the Hamiltonian H that you want to simulate. Split it up into different parts, Hi, each of which commutes. For example, on a nearest-neighbour Hamiltonian on some graph, you don't need more pieces than the maximum degree of the graph. You then Trotterize the evolution, writing the approximation

So, you just have to construct a circuit that implements terms like eiH1δt, which is composed of commuting terms H1=nhn, each of which acts only on a small number of qubits.
Since this is just a unitary on a small number of terms, a universal quantum computer can implement it.
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