










简短的答案是,量子力学使我们能够在仅消耗多项式资源的情况下,以指数级的希尔伯特空间工作。即,量子位的状态空间是2 n维的希尔伯特空间。n2n


构建这种计算机的第一种方法是采用个两级经典系统。这样,每个系统本身都可以由2D Hilbert空间表示。例如,可以想象只有前两个谐波被激发的n个吉他弦。nn

因为没有纠缠,所以此设置将无法模仿量子计算。因此,系统的任何状态都将是乘积状态, 吉他弦的组合系统不能用于制作2 nn2n维的希尔伯特空间。

尝试构造指数级大希尔伯特空间的第二种方法是使用单个吉他st,并使用希尔伯特空间的基向量来确定其前谐波。这是在@DaftWullie的答案中完成的。这种方法的问题在于,需要激发的最高谐波频率会随着O 2 n)的变化而变化。2nO(2n)。而且,由于振动弦的能量随其频率呈二次方比例变化,因此我们将需要成倍数量的能量来激发弦。因此,在最坏的情况下,计算的能源成本会随着问题的大小呈指数增长。




我本人经常将量子力学力量的来源描述为“破坏性干涉”所致,也就是说,量子力学具有波状性质。从计算复杂性的角度来看,很明显,这是量子计算最重要,最有趣的功能之一,例如Scott Aronson指出的。但是,当我们以非常简短的方式来描述它时-“量子计算的力量在于相消干涉/量子力学的波状性质”-重要的是要注意,这种陈述是一种简写,并且一定不完整。





一些 其他 答案触及量子力学的这同一特性:“波粒二象性”是表达一个事实,即我们对单个粒子其行事像波浪一样,大约可扩展性言论的行为东西概率的方式/随之而来的是配置空间的指数增长。但是,在这些稍高一点的描述中,有一个事实:我们具有量子振幅,其行为类似于多变量概率分布的元素,随时间线性变化并累加,但可以为负也可以为正。


使量子波力学与经典不同的是,该波是在具有大量尺寸的配置空间中定义的。在非相对论的本科量子力学中(足以进行理论上的量子计算讨论),用R 3 n中的波描述3D空间中无旋点粒子的系统,其中n = 2时经典中没有类似物机械师。所有量子算法都利用了这一点。可以利用经典的波浪力学来改进某些计算(模拟计算),但不使用量子算法。nR3nn=2






当有人写“海浪”时,我自然会想到水浪,但这可能不是最有用的图景。让我们考虑一下理想的吉他弦。在长度上大号 (固定在两端),具有波函数

Let's define the concept of a w-bit ("wave bit"). We can limit ourselves to, say, 4 modes, on the string, so you can associate
Now since we can prepare the initial shape of the string to be anything we want (subject to the boundary conditions), we can create any arbitrary superposition of those 4 states. So, the theory certainly includes things that look like superposition and entanglement.

However, they are not superposition and entanglement as we understand them in quantum theory. A key feature of quantum theory is that it contains indeterminism - that the results of some outcomes are inherently unpredictable. We don't start or end our computation from these points, but we must go through them somewhere during the computation. For example, experimental tests of Bell's Theorem have proven that the world is not deterministic (and, so far, conforms to what quantum theory predicts). The wave-bit theory is entirely deterministic: I can look at the string of my guitar, whatever weird shape it might be in, and my looking at it does not change its shape. Moreover, I can even determine the values of the {An} in a single shot, and therefore know what shape it will be in at all later times. This is very different to quantum theory, where there are different bases that can give me different information, but I can never access all of it (indeterminism).

I don't have a complete proof of this. We know that entanglement is necessary for quantum computation, and that entanglement can demonstrate indeterminism, but that's not quite enough for a precise statement. Contextuality is a similar measure of indeterminism but for single qubits, and results along those lines have started to become available recently, see here, for broad classes of computations.

Another way to think about this might be to ask what computational operations we can perform with these waves? Presumably, even if you allow some non-linear interactions, the operations can be simulated by a classical computer (after all, classical gates include non-linearity). I assume that the {An} function like classical probabilities, not probability amplitudes.

This might be one way of seeing the difference (or at least heading in the right direction). There's a way of performing quantum computation classed measurement-based quantum computation. You prepare your system in some particular state (which, we've already agreed, we could do with our w-bits), and then you measure the different qubits. Your choice of measurement basis determines the computation. But we can't do that here because we don't have that choice of basis.

And on that matter, if the figure-of-merit is simply how few steps something can be calculated in, why not start with a complicated dynamical system that has the desired computation embedded in it. (ie, why not just create "analog simulators" for specific problems?)

This is not the figure of merit. The figure of merit is really "How long does it take to perform the computation" and "how does that time scale as the problem size changes?". If we choose to break everything down in terms of elementary gates, then the first question is essentially how many gates are there, and the second is how does the number of gates scale. But we don't have to break it down like that. There are plenty of "analog quantum simulators". Feynman's original specification of a quantum computer was one such analogue simulator. It's just that the time feature manifests in a different way. There, you're talking about implementing a Hamiltonian evolution H for a particular time t0, eiHt0. Now, sure, you could implement 2H, and replace t0 with t0/2, but practically, the coupling strengths in H are limited, so there's a finite time that things take, and we can still demand how that scales with the problem size. Similarly, there's adiabatic quantum computation. There, the time required is determined by the energy gap between the ground and the first excited state. The smaller the gap, the longer your computation takes. We know that all 3 models are equivalent in the time they take (up to polynomial conversion factors, which are essentially irrelevant if you're talking about an exponential speed-up).

So, analog quantum simulators are certainly a thing, and there are those of us who think they're a very sensible thing at least in the short-term. My research, for example, is very much about "how do we design Hamiltonians H so that their time evolution eiHt0 creates the operations that we want?", aiming to do everything we can in a language that is "natural" for a given quantum system, rather than having to coerce it into performing a whole weird sequence of quantum gates.

Thanks. Commenting on the first part, I agree that collapse seems to be the main difference. I would think wave-function collapse, in most cases, only slows things down. I believe (maybe incorrectly?) that if you break down a quantum algorithm there's a "write phase", a "processing phase", and a "read phase". I could be wrong but I think that the amount of "steps" or "operations" for a quantum computer is not in terms of the amount of gate-operations, but is determined by how many times you need to measure the system to fully determine your output with high likelihood.
Steven Sagona

If you knew your output state without having to collapse and then reconstruct, I would think that improvements would be even /better/. (Also, as a separate comment, I wonder if you could simulate collapse by "pinching" the string, which forces a deterministic collapse to a mode matching the new boundary condition.)
Steven Sagona

@StevenSagona regarding your first comment and the number of times you need to measure: the trick with a quantum algorithm is that the final answer will be something that is definitely in the basis that you're measuring. So, you don't need to determine probability distributions or anything: your output is exactly the measurement outcome.

@StevenSagona Regarding the "knowing the state without having to collapse", it's almost the opposite that's true. Imagine there are lots of possible routes from input to output. You want to compute by picking the shortest possible route. Generically, a route will go through positions where you cannot know everything about the system simultaneously. If you make the artificial restriction that you have to follow a path where you always know everything, you're following a more restricted set of paths. Chances are, it doesn't contain the globally shortest path.

I don't think it is correct to say that this system can produce entanglement. You can represent any vector space using the harmonics of a string, that is correct. But if you take two separate strings and look at the combined space, the state of the system will always be in a product state. Entanglement cannot be produced between two separate classical systems.


Regular waves can interfere, but cannot be entangled.
An example of an entangled pair of qubits, that cannot happen with classical waves, is given in the first sentence of my answer to this question: What's the difference between a set of qubits and a capacitor with a subdivided plate?

Entanglement is considered to be the crucial thing that gives quantum computers advantage over classical ones, since superposition alone can be simulated by a probabilistic classical computer (i.e. a classical computer plus a coin flipper).

For the sake of completeness, given that it is directly relevant to your answer, you should maybe copy the relevant part of your other answer rather than making readers chase after it.
Niel de Beaudrap

I agree that it's inconvenient when someone cites a paper/article/book/SE question, but doesn't tell you where in the paper to look. Then you have to "chase" what part of he reference is relevant. However here I said "is given in the first sentence of my answer to quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/2225/…" so they know the exact sentence to look at. That sentence is even shorter than the sentence here describing it.


"why not just perform this interference with classical waves?"

Yes this is one way we can simulate quantum computers on regular digital computers. We simulate the "waves" using floating point arithmetic. The problem is that it does not scale. Every qubit doubles the number of dimensions. For 30 qubits you already need about 8 gigabytes of ram just to store the "wave" aka state vector. At around 40 qubits we run out of computers big enough to do this.

A similar question was asked here: What's the difference between a set of qubits and a capacitor with a subdivided plate?

At the moment there are three answers to this question, all of which have been downvoted several times. It is not clear to me that downvoting is serving any purpose here. Perhaps these answers are not "perfect" or are not addressing the question, but downvoting does not really help to encourage the discussion. Given how new this stack exchange is, I think we should hold off on the downvoting unless someone is clearly acting in bad faith. Good answers can be upvoted instead.
Simon Burton

I have not down-voted your answer, but there are good reasons to down-vote answers below a certain quality on this particular StackExchange. Quantum computation is a subject which is conceptually difficult for many, and is the subject of a lot of poor exposition and hyperbole. It is important in such a situation for the experts to give strong feedback about the quality of answers, in order to give a good indication about which information is higher-quality --- otherwise we risk getting swamped with noise. (Incidentally: I don't see how the other question you linked is similar.)
Niel de Beaudrap
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