简而言之,一个Java程序如果想做任何值得做的事情,就不能完全避免使用变量。 您可以包含它们,从而在很大程度上限制了可变性,但是语言和API的设计本身以及最终更改底层系统的需求,使得完全不变性是不可行的。
- 命令式语言几乎总是依赖某种可变变量。例如,相对于递归,它们倾向于迭代,几乎所有迭代结构-甚至
while (true)
和for (;;)
- 面向对象的语言几乎将每个程序都想象成对象之间相互发送消息的图形,并且在几乎所有情况下,它们都是通过变异某些东西来响应这些消息的。
这些设计决策的最终结果是,没有可变变量,Java无法更改任何状态-甚至就像打印“ Hello world!”一样简单。到屏幕的输出流包括将字节粘贴在可变缓冲区中。
class Ints {
final int value;
final Ints tail;
public Ints(int value, Ints rest) {
this.value = value;
this.tail = rest;
public Ints next() { return this.tail; }
public int value() { return this.value; }
public Ints take(int count, Ints input) {
if (count == 0 || input == null) return null;
return new Ints(input.value(), take(count - 1, input.next()));
public Ints squares_of(Ints input) {
if (input == null) return null;
int i = input.value();
return new Ints(i * i, squares_of(input.next()));
public function doStuff() {
final Ints integers = ...somehow assemble list of 20 million ints...;
final Ints result = take(25, squares_of(integers));
瞧,您通常会像这样的功能性语言,具有一种称为“尾部消除”的功能。这就是说,当编译器看到代码的最后一个动作是调用自身(并在函数为非无效时返回结果)时,它将使用当前调用的堆栈框架而不是设置新的堆栈框架,而是执行“跳转” “调用”(因此使用的堆栈空间保持不变)。简而言之,它将尾递归转换为迭代的过程大约占90%。它可以处理十亿个整数,而不会溢出堆栈。(它最终仍然会用完内存,但是在32位系统上,组合十亿个整数的列表无论如何都会使您在内存方面陷入困境。)
// Represents something that can give us instances of OutType.
// We can basically treat this class like a list.
interface Source<OutType> {
public Source<OutType> next();
public OutType value();
// Represents an operation that turns an InType into an OutType.
// Note, these can be the same type. We're just flexible like that.
interface Transform<InType, OutType> {
public OutType appliedTo(InType input);
// Represents an action (as opposed to a function) that can run on
// every element of a sequence.
abstract class Action<InType> {
abstract void doWith(final InType input);
public void doWithEach(final Source<InType> input) {
if (input == null) return;
// A list of Integers.
class Ints implements Source<Integer> {
final Integer value;
final Ints tail;
public Ints(Integer value, Ints rest) {
this.value = value;
this.tail = rest;
public Ints(Source<Integer> input) {
this.value = input.value();
this.tail = new Ints(input.next());
public Source<Integer> next() { return this.tail; }
public Integer value() { return this.value; }
public static Ints fromArray(Integer[] input) {
return fromArray(input, 0, input.length);
public static Ints fromArray(Integer[] input, int start, int end) {
if (end == start || input == null) return null;
return new Ints(input[start], fromArray(input, start + 1, end));
// An example of the spiff we get by splitting the "iterator" interface
// off. These ints are effectively generated on the fly, as opposed to
// us having to build a huge list. This saves huge amounts of memory
// and CPU time, for the rather common case where the whole sequence
// isn't needed.
class Range implements Source<Integer> {
final int start, end;
public Range(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public Integer value() { return start; }
public Source<Integer> next() {
if (start >= end) return null;
return new Range(start + 1, end);
// This takes each InType of a sequence and turns it into an OutType.
// This *takes* a Transform, rather than just *implementing* Transform,
// because the transforms applied are likely to be specified inline.
// If we just let people override `value()`, we wouldn't easily know what type
// to return, and returning our own type would lose the transform method.
static class Mapper<InType, OutType> implements Source<OutType> {
private final Source<InType> input;
private final Transform<InType, OutType> transform;
public Mapper(Transform<InType, OutType> transform, Source<InType> input) {
this.transform = transform;
this.input = input;
public Source<OutType> next() {
return new Mapper<InType, OutType>(transform, input.next());
public OutType value() {
return transform.appliedTo(input.value());
// ...
public <T> Source<T> take(int count, Source<T> input) {
if (count <= 0 || input == null) return null;
return new Source<T>() {
public T value() { return input.value(); }
public Source<T> next() { return take(count - 1, input.next()); }
public Source<Integer> squares_of(Source<Integer> input) {
final Transform<Integer, Integer> square = new Transform<Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer appliedTo(final Integer i) { return i * i; }
return new Mapper<>(square, input);
public void example() {
final Source<Integer> integers = new Range(0, 1000000000);
// and, as for the author's "bet you can't do this"...
final Source<Integer> squares = take(25, squares_of(integers));
// Just to make sure we got it right :P
final Action<Integer> printAction = new Action<Integer>() {
public void doWith(Integer input) { System.out.println(input); }
输入20亿个整数并对其进行一些操作。:P最终将引发异常,至少直到64 GB以上的RAM成为标准。问题是,为程序堆栈保留的程序内存量不是很大。通常在1到8 MiB之间。(您可以要求更大,但是无论您要求多少,都没关系-您打电话给您take(1000000000, someInfiniteSequence)
public <T> void doSomethingWith(T input) { /* magic happens here */ }
public <T> Source<T> workWith(Source<T> input, int count) {
if (count < 0 || input == null) return null;
if (count == 0) return input;
if (count == 1) {
return input.next();
return (workWith(workWith(input, count/2), count - count/2);
请记住,这涉及到您告诉它的尽可能多的元素。这不是偷懒;它立即执行其操作。您只想执行操作 -也就是说,仅用于将自身应用于列表中的每个元素的事。正如我现在正在考虑的那样,在我看来,如果保持线性,序列将不那么复杂;应该不会有什么问题,因为序列无论如何都不会调用它们自己-它们只是创建再次调用它们的对象。