为了避免与C ++ const无关的重复,在某些情况下const_cast可以工作,但返回非const的私有const函数不起作用?
在Scott Meyers的有效C ++项目3中,他建议将const_cast与静态强制转换结合使用可以是避免重复代码的有效且安全的方法,例如
const void* Bar::bar(int i) const
return variableResultingFromNonTrivialDotDotDotCode;
void* Bar::bar(int i)
return const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const Bar*>(this)->bar(i));
- 与Meyers的建议相反,有时将const_cast与静态强制转换结合使用是危险的
- 有时让const函数调用非const的危险性较小
- 有时两种使用const_cast的方式都可能隐藏有用的编译器错误
- 避免const_cast并让其他const私有成员返回非const是另一种选择
class Foo
Foo(const LongLived& constLongLived, LongLived& mutableLongLived)
: mConstLongLived(constLongLived), mMutableLongLived(mutableLongLived)
// case A: we shouldn't ever be allowed to return a non-const reference to something we only have a const reference to
// const_cast prevents a useful compiler error
const LongLived& GetA1() const { return mConstLongLived; }
LongLived& GetA1()
return const_cast<LongLived&>( static_cast<const Foo*>(this)->GetA1() );
/* gives useful compiler error
LongLived& GetA2()
return mConstLongLived; // error: invalid initialization of reference of type 'LongLived&' from expression of type 'const LongLived'
const LongLived& GetA2() const { return const_cast<Foo*>(this)->GetA2(); }
// case B: imagine we are using the convention that const means thread-safe, and we would prefer to re-calculate than lock the cache, then GetB0 might be correct:
int GetB0(int i) { return mCache.Nth(i); }
int GetB0(int i) const { return Fibonachi().Nth(i); }
/* gives useful compiler error
int GetB1(int i) const { return mCache.Nth(i); } // error: passing 'const Fibonachi' as 'this' argument of 'int Fibonachi::Nth(int)' discards qualifiers
int GetB1(int i)
return static_cast<const Foo*>(this)->GetB1(i);
// const_cast prevents a useful compiler error
int GetB2(int i) { return mCache.Nth(i); }
int GetB2(int i) const { return const_cast<Foo*>(this)->GetB2(i); }
// case C: calling a private const member that returns non-const seems like generally the way to go
LongLived& GetC1() { return GetC1Private(); }
const LongLived& GetC1() const { return GetC1Private(); }
LongLived& GetC1Private() const { /* pretend a bunch of lines of code instead of just returning a single variable*/ return mMutableLongLived; }
const LongLived& mConstLongLived;
LongLived& mMutableLongLived;
Fibonachi mCache;
class Fibonachi
int Nth(int n)
for (int i=mCache.size(); i <= n; ++i)
mCache.push_back(mCache[i-1] + mCache[i-2]);
return mCache[n];
int Nth(int n) const
return n < mCache.size() ? mCache[n] : -1;
std::vector<int> mCache;
class LongLived {};