我创建了一个Asp.NET Web应用程序,并从一个简单的域开始:Web监视应用程序。要求:
- 用户必须能够注册一个新的Web App进行监视。该Web应用程序具有友好的名称并指向URL。
- 该网络应用将定期轮询状态(在线/离线);
- 该Web应用程序将定期轮询其当前版本(该Web应用程序应具有“ /version.html”,这是一个在特定标记中声明其系统版本的文件)。
// Encapsulates logic for creating and validating Url's.
// Based on "Unbreakable Domain Models", YouTube talk from Mathias Verraes
// See https://youtu.be/ZJ63ltuwMaE
public class Url: ValueObject
private System.Uri _uri;
public string Url => _uri.ToString();
public Url(string url)
_uri = new Uri(url, UriKind.Absolute); // Fails for a malformed URL.
// Base class for all Aggregates (root or not).
public abstract class Aggregate
public Guid Id { get; protected set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
public DateTime CreatedAt { get; protected set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public class WebApp: Aggregate
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Url Url { get; private set; }
public string Version { get; private set; }
public DateTime? VersionLatestCheck { get; private set; }
public bool IsAlive { get; private set; }
public DateTime? IsAliveLatestCheck { get; private set; }
public WebApp(Guid id, string name, Url url)
if (/* some business validation fails */)
throw new InvalidWebAppException(); // Custom exception.
Id = id;
Name = name;
Url = url;
public void UpdateVersion()
// Delegates the plumbing of HTTP requests and markup-parsing to infrastructure.
var versionChecker = Container.Get<IVersionChecker>();
var version = versionChecker.GetCurrentVersion(this.Url);
if (version != this.Version)
var evt = new WebAppVersionUpdated(
this.Version /* old version */,
version /* new version */);
this.Version = version;
this.VersionLatestCheck = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Now this eems very, very wrong!
var repository = Container.Get<IWebAppRepository>();
var updateResult = repository.Update(this);
if (!updateResult.OK) throw new Exception(updateResult.Errors.ToString());
* I feel that the aggregate should be responsible for checking and updating its
* version, but it seems very wrong to access a Global Container and create the
* necessary instances this way. Dependency injection should occur via the
* constructor, and making the aggregate depend on infrastructure also seems wrong.
* But if I move such methods to WebAppService, I'm making the aggregate
* anaemic; It will become just a simple bag of getters and setters.
* Please advise.
public void UpdateIsAlive()
// Code very similar to UpdateVersion().
public class WebAppService
private readonly IWebAppRepository _repository;
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
private readonly IEventDispatcher _eventDispatcher;
public WebAppService(
IWebAppRepository repository,
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
IEventDispatcher eventDispatcher
) {
_repository = repository;
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
_eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher;
public OperationResult RegisterWebApp(NewWebAppDto newWebApp)
var webApp = new WebApp(newWebApp);
var addResult = _repository.Add(webApp);
if (!addResult.OK) return addResult.Errors;
var commitResult = _unitOfWork.Commit();
if (!commitResult.OK) return commitResult.Errors;
_eventDispatcher.Publish(new WebAppRegistered(webApp.Id, webApp.Name, webApp.Url);
return OperationResult.Success;
public OperationResult RemoveWebApp(Guid webAppId)
var removeResult = _repository.Remove(webAppId);
if (!removeResult) return removeResult.Errors;
_eventDispatcher.Publish(new WebAppRemoved(webAppId);
return OperationResult.Success;
下面的类为WebMonitoring域提供了与外界的接口(Web接口,Rest API等)。目前,它只是一个外壳,将调用重定向到适当的服务,但是将来会编排更多的逻辑(总是通过域模型来完成)。
public class WebMonitoringAppService
private readonly IWebAppQueries _webAppQueries;
private readonly WebAppService _webAppService;
* I'm not exactly reaching for CQRS here, but I like the idea of having a
* separate class for handling queries right from the beginning, since it will
* help me fine-tune them as needed, and always keep a clean separation between
* crud-like queries (needed for domain business rules) and the ones for serving
* the outside-world.
public WebMonitoringAppService(
IWebAppQueries webAppQueries,
WebAppService webAppService
) {
_webAppQueries = webAppQueries;
_webAppService = webAppService;
public WebAppDetailsDto GetDetails(Guid webAppId)
return _webAppQueries.GetDetails(webAppId);
public List<WebAppDetailsDto> ListWebApps()
return _webAppQueries.ListWebApps(webAppId);
public OperationResult RegisterWebApp(NewWebAppDto newWebApp)
return _webAppService.RegisterWebApp(newWebApp);
public OperationResult RemoveWebApp(Guid webAppId)
return _webAppService.RemoveWebApp(newWebApp);