boxes <- list(
c(0, 0),
c(0, 1),
c(1, 1)
count_successes = 0
count_valid_samples = 0
for (i in 1:5000) {
sampled_box <- unlist(sample(boxes, 1)) # sample box
sampled_balls <- sample(sampled_box) # shuffle balls in the box
if (sampled_balls[1] == 1) { # if first ball is golden
if (sampled_balls[2] == 1) { # if second ball is golden
count_successes = count_successes + 1
count_valid_samples = count_valid_samples + 1
count_successes / count_valid_samples
mean(replicate(5000, { # repeat 5000 times, next calculate empirical probability
x <- boxes[[sample(3, 1)]] # pick a box
if (x[sample(2, 1)] == 1) # pick a ball, check if it is golden
return(sum(x) == 2) # check if you have two golden balls in the box
return(NA) # ignore if sampled ball is silver
}), na.rm = TRUE) # not count if silver
注意,由于您已经确定了第一个球已经绘制并且是金色的事实,因此上面的代码可以简单地使用两个框boxes <- list(c(0, 1), c(1, 1))
,然后从它们中进行采样x <- boxes[[sample(2, 1)]]
x <- boxes[[sample(3, 1)]]