









号也许最简单的反关注三个独立的分布的变量X ,为此,从所有八个可能的结果0 0 0 通过1 1 1 是等可能的。这使得在所有四个边缘分布均匀{ 0 0 0 1 1 0Bernoulli(1/2)Xi(0,0,0)(1,1,1){(0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)}

考虑随机变量,由在组均匀分布{ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 }。这些边距与X 1X 2(Y1,Y2,Y3){(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(1,1,1)}(X1,X2,X3)

道格拉斯·霍夫施塔特(Douglas Hofstadter)的戈德尔(Escher),巴赫(Bach)的封面暗示了可能性。







(1)fU,V,W(u,v,w)={2ϕ(u)ϕ(v)ϕ(w)    if u0,v0,w0,or if u<0,v<0,w0,or if u<0,v0,w<0,or if u0,v<0,w<0,0otherwise
where ϕ() denotes the standard normal density function.

It is clear that U,V, and W are dependent random variables. It is also clear that they are not jointly normal random variables. However, all three pairs (U,V),(U,W),(V,W) are pairwise independent random variables: in fact, independent standard normal random variables (and thus pairwise jointly normal random variables). In short, U,V,W are an example of pairwise independent but not mutually independent standard normal random variables. See this answer of mine for more details.

In contrast, if X,Y,Z are mutually independent standard normal random variables, then they are also pairwise independent random variables but their joint density is

(2)fX,Y,Z(u,v,w)=ϕ(u)ϕ(v)ϕ(w),  u,v,wR
which is not the same as the joint density in (1). So, NO, we cannot deduce the trivariate joint pdf from the bivariate pdfs even in the case when the marginal univariate distributions are standard normal and the random variables are pairwise independent.


You're basically asking if CAT reconstruction is possible using only images along the 3 main axes.

It is not... otherwise that's what they would do. :-) See the Radon transform for more literature.

I like the analogy. Two aspects are troubling, though. One is the logic: just because the Radon transform (or some other technique) uses more data than the three marginals does not logically imply it really needs all those data. Another problem is that CT scans are inherently two-dimensional: they reconstruct a solid body slice by slice. (It's true that the Radon transform is defined in three and higher dimensions.) Thus they don't really get to the heart of the matter: we already know the univariate marginals aren't enough to reconstruct a 2D distribution.

@whuber: I think you misunderstood what I was saying... and the 2D vs 3D is a red herring. I was trying to say that the inverse of the Radon transform requires the full integral for its inversion (i.e. if you literally just look at the inversion formula, you see the inversion requires an integral over all angles, not a sum over d angles). The CAT scan was just to help the OP see it's the same problem as CT.

That's where the logic breaks down: it's not the same problem as the CT. Your argument sounds like an analog of "every vehicle I see on the road uses at least four wheels. Therefore ground transportation with fewer than four wheels is impossible, for if it were possible, then people would be using fewer wheels to save tire costs. If you doubt this, just look at the blueprints for a car." Incidentally, the transform as implemented in a CT scanner does not integrate over all angles--the measure of the set of angles it uses is zero!

@whuber: Forget the CT thing for a moment. Do you agree with the rest of the logic?
user541686 '18
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