

Jeffrey Wooldridge在他的 “横截面和面板数据的计量经济学分析”(第357页)中说,经验Hessian“对于我们正在处理的特定样本,不能保证为正定,甚至正半定”。




背景技术假设θ Ñ是通过最小化所获得的估计 1θ^N




的渐近协方差θ Ñ涉及ë [ ħ q θ 0],其中θ 0θ^nE[H(q,θ0)]θ0是真参数值。估计它的一种方法是使用经验式的Hessian


它的确定性^ h这是个问题。H^


Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya

@Jyotirmoy,它肯定只能是正半定号。考虑一下线性函数或一组最小点形成凸多面体的函数。举一个简单的例子,考虑在x = 0处的任何多项式f(x)=x2nx=0

Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya




我觉得你是对的。 让我们将您的论点提炼为本质:

  1. 最小化函数Q定义为Qθ=θ^NQQ(θ)=1Ni=1Nq(wi,θ).

  2. 是的Hessian矩阵Q,从那里ħ θ = 2 QHQ根据定义,这反过来又,通过分化的线性度,等于1H(θ)=2Qθiθj1Ni=1NH(wi,θn).

  3. Assuming θ^N lies in the interior of the domain of Q, then H(θ^N) must be positive semi-definite.

This is merely a statement about the function Q: how it is defined is merely a distraction, except insofar as the assumed second order differentiability of q with respect to its second argument (θ) assures the second order differentiability of Q.

Finding M-estimators can be tricky. Consider these data provided by @mpiktas:

{1.168042, 0.3998378}, {1.807516, 0.5939584}, {1.384942, 3.6700205}, {1.327734, -3.3390724}, {1.602101, 4.1317608}, {1.604394, -1.9045958}, {1.124633, -3.0865249}, {1.294601, -1.8331763},{1.577610, 1.0865977}, { 1.630979, 0.7869717}

将R过程找到M估计与产生的溶液Ç 1c ^ 2 = - 114.91316 - 32.54386 。目标函数的值(q的平均值q((x,y),θ)=(yc1xc2)4(c1,c2)(114.91316,32.54386)q's) at this point equals 62.3542. Here is a plot of the fit:

Fit 1


Objective 1


Objective 1, 3D view

此时,Hessian的否定行列式确认这不是局部最小值! 但是,当您查看z轴标签时,可以看到此函数的精度达到了五位数在整个区域内的,因为它等于常数4.1329(对数62.354)。这可能导致R函数最小化器(具有其默认公差)得出的结论是接近最小值。

实际上,解决方案离这一点还很遥远。为了确保找到它,我在Mathematica中采用了计算昂贵但非常有效的“ 主轴 ”方法,该方法使用50位精度(以10为底)来避免可能的数值问题。它找到附近的一个最小值ç 1c ^ 2= 0.02506 7.55973 ,其中所述目标函数具有58.292655的值:约6%,比“最低”小发现R.在极平坦外观的部分发生该最小,但我可以通过夸大c 2使其(几乎)看起来像是具有椭圆形轮廓的真实最小值(c1,c2)=(0.02506,7.55973)c2 图中的方向:

Objective 2


Objective 2, 3D view


Fit 2



  1. 数值优化可能很困难,尤其是使用非线性拟合和非二次损失函数时。因此:
  2. 以尽可能多的方式仔细检查结果,包括:
  3. 尽可能绘制目标函数的图形。
  4. 当数值结果似乎违反数学定理时,请高度怀疑。
  5. 当统计结果令人惊讶时(例如R代码返回的令人惊讶的参数值),您会特别怀疑。

mpiktas 2011年

@mpiktas是的,我确定内部全局最小值具有不确定的Hessian值,但所有参数都是可识别的值。 但是,对于足够平滑的内部全局最小值,Hessian根本不可能是不确定的。这种事情已经被一再证明,例如在Milnor的拓扑学中从可区分的观点来看。我怀疑Wooldridge可能被错误的数字“解决方案”所误导。(顺便说一句,引用页上的错别字表明它是匆忙写的。)

mpiktas 2011年


Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya




If the solution θ^N is interior point of Θ, objective function is twice differentiable and gradient of the objective function is zero, then Hessian of the objective function (which is H^) is positive semi-definite.

Now what Wooldridge is saying that for given sample the empirical Hessian is not guaranteed to be positive definite or even positive semidefinite. This is true, since Wooldridge does not require that objective function N1i=1Nq(wi,θ) has nice properties, he requires that there exists a unique solution θ0 for


So for given sample objective function N1i=1Nq(wi,θ) may be minimized on the boundary point of Θ in which Hessian of objective function needs not to be positive definite.

Further in his book Wooldridge gives an examples of estimates of Hessian which are guaranteed to be numerically positive definite. In practice non-positive definiteness of Hessian should indicate that solution is either on the boundary point or the algorithm failed to find the solution. Which usually is a further indication that the model fitted may be inappropriate for a given data.

Here is the numerical example. I generate non-linear least squares problem:


I take X uniformly distributed in interval [1,2] and ε normal with zero mean and variance σ2. I generated a sample of size 10, in R 2.11.1 using set.seed(3). Here is the link to the values of xi and yi.

I chose the objective function square of usual non-linear least squares objective function:


Here is the code in R for optimising function, its gradient and hessian.

##First set-up the epxressions for optimising function, its gradient and hessian.
##I use symbolic derivation of R to guard against human error    
mt <- expression((y-c1*x^c2)^4)

gradmt <- c(D(mt,"c1"),D(mt,"c2"))

hessmt <- lapply(gradmt,function(l)c(D(l,"c1"),D(l,"c2")))

##Evaluate the expressions on data to get the empirical values. 
##Note there was a bug in previous version of the answer res should not be squared.
optf <- function(p) {
    res <- eval(mt,list(y=y,x=x,c1=p[1],c2=p[2]))

gf <- function(p) {
    evl <- list(y=y,x=x,c1=p[1],c2=p[2]) 
    res <- sapply(gradmt,function(l)eval(l,evl))

hesf <- function(p) {
    evl <- list(y=y,x=x,c1=p[1],c2=p[2]) 
    res1 <- lapply(hessmt,function(l)sapply(l,function(ll)eval(ll,evl)))
    res <- sapply(res1,function(l)apply(l,2,mean))

First test that gradient and hessian works as advertised.

x <- runif(10,1,2)
y <- 0.3*x^0.2

> optf(c(0.3,0.2))
[1] 0
> gf(c(0.3,0.2))
[1] 0 0
> hesf(c(0.3,0.2))
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    0    0
[2,]    0    0
> eigen(hesf(c(0.3,0.2)))$values
[1] 0 0

The hessian is zero, so it is positive semi-definite. Now for the values of x and y given in the link we get

> df <- read.csv("badhessian.csv")
> df
          x          y
1  1.168042  0.3998378
2  1.807516  0.5939584
3  1.384942  3.6700205
4  1.327734 -3.3390724
5  1.602101  4.1317608
6  1.604394 -1.9045958
7  1.124633 -3.0865249
8  1.294601 -1.8331763
9  1.577610  1.0865977
10 1.630979  0.7869717
> x <- df$x
> y <- df$y
> opt <- optim(c(1,1),optf,gr=gf,method="BFGS")  
> opt$par
[1] -114.91316  -32.54386
> gf(opt$par)
[1] -0.0005795979 -0.0002399711
> hesf(opt$par)
              [,1]         [,2]
[1,]  0.0002514806 -0.003670634
[2,] -0.0036706345  0.050998404
> eigen(hesf(opt$par))$values
[1]  5.126253e-02 -1.264959e-05

Gradient is zero, but the hessian is non positive.

Note: This is my third attempt to give an answer. I hope I finally managed to give precise mathematical statements, which eluded me in the previous versions.

@mpiktas, That's some interesting notation there (I know it's not yours). A w on the left-hand side and y and x on the right-hand side. I'm guessing w=(x,y) or something like that. Also, I'm assuming the squaring should be happening to ym(x,θ) and not just to m(x,θ). No?

@mpiktas, I'm not quite sure how to interpret your first sentence due to the wording. I can see two ways, one that I'd call correct and the other I wouldn't. Also, strictly speaking, I don't agree with the second sentence in your first paragraph. As I've shown above, it is possible to be at a local minimum in the interior of the parameter space without the Hessian being positive definite.

@cardinal, yes you are right. Wooldridge uses w for consistency reasons, y and x is reserved for response and predictors throughout the book. In this example w=(x,y).

@cardinal, I fixed my wording. Now it should be ok. Thanks for pointing out the problem.

@mptikas. Neither Wooldridge nor I are claiming that the Hessian has to be positive definite everywhere. My claim is that for an interior maximum the empirical Hessian has to be positive semidefinite as a necessary condition of a smooth function reaching its maximum. Wooldridge seems to be saying something different.
Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya


The hessian is indefinite at a saddle point. It’s possible that this may be the only stationary point in the interior of the parameter space.

Update: Let me elaborate. First, let’s assume that the empirical Hessian exists everywhere.

If θ^n is a local (or even global) minimum of iq(wi,) and in the interior of the parameter space (assumed to be an open set) then necessarily the Hessian (1/N)iH(wi,θ^n) is positive semidefinite. If not, then θ^n is not a local minimum. This follows from second order optimality conditions — locally iq(wi,) must not decrease in any directions away from θ^n.

One source of the confusion might the "working" definition of an M-estimator. Although in principle an M-estimator should be defined as argminθiq(wi,θ), it might also be defined as a solution to the equation

where q˙ is the gradient of q(w,θ) with respect to θ. This is sometimes called the Ψ-type. In the latter case a solution of that equation need not be a local minimum. It can be a saddle point and in this case the Hessian would be indefinite.

Practically speaking, even a positive definite Hessian that is nearly singular or ill-conditioned would suggest that the estimator is poor and you have more to worry about than estimating its variance.

could you adapt your answer so that it matches the notation of the question? To what is x2y2 referring? Where does this get inserted into the equations given in the question?

+1 Good points in the update, especially the last paragraph. When the Hessian is available--as is implicitly assumed throughout this discussion--one would automatically use its positive-definiteness as one of the criteria for testing any critical point and therefore this issue simply could not arise. This leads me to believe the Wooldridge quotation must concern the Hessian at a putative global minimum, not at a mere critical point.


There's been a lot of beating around the bush in this thread regarding whether the Hessian has to be positive (semi)definite at a local minimum. So I will make a clear statement on that.

Presuming the objective function and all constraint functions are twice continuously differentiable, then at any local minimum, the Hessian of the Lagrangian projected into the null space of the Jacobian of active constraints must be positive semidefinite. I.e., if Z is a basis for the null space of the Jacobian of active constraints, then ZT(Hessian of Lagrangian)Z must be positive semidefinite. This must be positive definite for a strict local minimum.

So the Hessian of the objective function in a constrained problem having active constraint(s) need not be positive semidefinite if there are active constraints.


1) Active constraints consist of all equality constraints, plus inequality constraints which are satisfied with equality.

2) See the definition of the Lagrangian at https://www.encyclopediaofmath.org/index.php/Karush-Kuhn-Tucker_conditions .

3) If all constraints are linear, then the Hessian of the Lagrangian = Hessian of the objective function because the 2nd derivatives of linear functions are zero. But you still need to do the projection jazz if any of these constraints are active. Note that lower or upper bound constraints are particular cases of linear inequality constraints. If the only constraints which are active are bound constraints, the projection of the Hessian into the null space of the Jacobian of active constraints amounts to eliminating the rows and columns of the Hessian corresponding to those components on their bounds.

4) Because Lagrange multipliers of inactive constraints are zero, if there are no active constraints, the Hessian of the Lagrangian = the Hessian of the objective function, and the Identity matrix is a basis for the null space of the Jacobian of active constraints, which results in the simplification of the criterion being the familiar condition that the Hessian of the objective function be positive semidefinite at a local minimum (positive definite if a strict local minimum).


The positive answers above are true but they leave out the crucial identification assumption - if your model is not identified (or if it is only set identified) you might indeed, as Wooldridge correctly indicated, find yourself with a non-PSD empirical Hessian. Just run some non-toy psychometric / econometric model and see for yourself.

Because this does not seem mathematically possible, could you offer a simple, clear example to demonstrate how the Hessian of a continuously twice-differentiable objective function could possibly fail to be PSD at a global minimum?
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