Tags for 视频制作

ffmpeg × 31
video × 29
premiere × 11
h.264 × 9
editing × 5
codec × 5
mp4 × 4
encoding × 4
youtube × 4
shooting × 3
camera × 3
prores × 3
audio × 3
windows × 3
dslr × 3
action-cam × 2
framerate × 2
full-hd × 2
filter × 2
hardware × 2
linux × 2
playback × 2
timecode × 2
filming × 2
adobe × 2
software × 1
bluescreen × 1
subtitles × 1
sync × 1
avchd × 1
analog × 1
vp9 × 1
workflow × 1
x264 × 1
4k × 1
conversion × 1
effects × 1
diy × 1
digital × 1
cs5 × 1
legal × 1
libx264 × 1
lighting × 1
setup × 1
metadata × 1
osx × 1
colorspace × 1
chromakey × 1
producing × 1
canon × 1
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