



这是一个幼稚的方法。假设y = 15且x =5。选择所有3003种不同的方式来选择5个变量,并为每个变量创建一个新子句,其中包含这些变量的AND和其余变量的否定AND。您最终得到3003个子句,每个子句的长度恰好为15,总费用为45054。



首先,有些人可能想从y = 5变量加到x = 2开始。天真的方法将产生50的成本。

该代码应将两个值y和x作为输入,并输出公式及其大小作为输出。解决方案的成本只是其输出中变量的原始计数。所以(a or b) and (!a or c) 算作4只允许运营商andornot

更新事实证明,至少在理论上,当x = 1时,有一个聪明的方法可以解决这个问题。

shiona 2013年


请更精确地定义“大小”。您的描述暗示不计算在内。还是原始变量否定不算在内?每个二进制AND / OR算为1吗?

引入新变量如何与分数配合?说我要放z[0] = y[0] and y[1],您要如何指示?

@Lembik感谢您的pdf链接,我相信我现在已经明白了。如果我希望使用变量z[0]表示,y[0] or y[1]那么我只需要引入一个看起来像的子句(y[0] or y[1]) or not z[0](或任何允许使用3个运算符的等效语句)。




一个简单的递归方程生成器。 S生成一个方程,当vars加到的列表时满足total


def S(vars, total):
    # base case
    if total == 0:
        return "(" + " and ".join("not " + x for x in vars) + ")"
    if total == len(vars):
        return "(" + " and ".join(vars) + ")"

    # recursive case
    n = len(vars)/2
    clauses = []
    for s in xrange(total+1):
        if s > n or total-s > len(vars)-n: continue
        a = S(vars[:n], s)
        b = S(vars[n:], total-s)
        clauses += ["(" + a + " and " + b + ")"]
    return "(" + " or ".join(clauses) + ")"

def T(n, total):
    e = S(["x[%d]"%i for i in xrange(n)], total)
    print "equation", e
    print "score", e.count("[")

    # test it
    for i in xrange(2**n):
        x = [i/2**k%2 for k in xrange(n)]
        if eval(e) != (sum(x) == total):
            print "wrong", x

T(2, 1)
T(5, 2)
T(15, 5)


equation (((not x[0]) and (x[1])) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1])))
score 4
equation (((not x[0] and not x[1]) and (((not x[2]) and (x[3] and x[4])) or ((x[2]) and (((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4])))))) or ((((not x[0]) and (x[1])) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1]))) and (((not x[2]) and (((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4])))) or ((x[2]) and (not x[3] and not x[4])))) or ((x[0] and x[1]) and (not x[2] and not x[3] and not x[4])))
score 27
equation (((not x[0] and not x[1] and not x[2] and not x[3] and not x[4] and not x[5] and not x[6]) and (((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (x[11] and x[12] and x[13] and x[14])) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))))) or ((((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10]))))) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((x[7] and x[8] and x[9] and x[10]) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))))) or ((((not x[0] and not x[1] and not x[2]) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (not x[5] and not x[6])))) or ((((not x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2])))) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1] and not x[2]))) and (not x[3] and not x[4] and not x[5] and not x[6]))) and (((not x[7] and not x[8] and not x[9] and not x[10]) and (x[11] and x[12] and x[13] and x[14])) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))))) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10]))))) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((x[7] and x[8] and x[9] and x[10]) and (not x[11] and not x[12] and not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[0] and not x[1] and not x[2]) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (not x[5] and not x[6])))) or ((((not x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2])))) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1] and not x[2]))) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (not x[5] and not x[6])))) or ((((not x[0]) and (x[1] and x[2])) or ((x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2]))))) and (not x[3] and not x[4] and not x[5] and not x[6]))) and (((not x[7] and not x[8] and not x[9] and not x[10]) and (((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))))) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10]))))) and (not x[11] and not x[12] and not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[0] and not x[1] and not x[2]) and (((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))))) or ((((not x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2])))) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1] and not x[2]))) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (not x[5] and not x[6])))) or ((((not x[0]) and (x[1] and x[2])) or ((x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2]))))) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (not x[5] and not x[6])))) or ((x[0] and x[1] and x[2]) and (not x[3] and not x[4] and not x[5] and not x[6]))) and (((not x[7] and not x[8] and not x[9] and not x[10]) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (x[13] and x[14])) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((x[11] and x[12]) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (x[9] and x[10])) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((x[7] and x[8]) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (not x[11] and not x[12] and not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[0] and not x[1] and not x[2]) and (x[3] and x[4] and x[5] and x[6])) or ((((not x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2])))) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1] and not x[2]))) and (((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))))) or ((((not x[0]) and (x[1] and x[2])) or ((x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2]))))) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (not x[5] and not x[6])))) or ((x[0] and x[1] and x[2]) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (not x[5] and not x[6]))))) and (((not x[7] and not x[8] and not x[9] and not x[10]) and (((not x[11] and not x[12]) and (((not x[13]) and (x[14])) or ((x[13]) and (not x[14])))) or ((((not x[11]) and (x[12])) or ((x[11]) and (not x[12]))) and (not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((not x[7] and not x[8]) and (((not x[9]) and (x[10])) or ((x[9]) and (not x[10])))) or ((((not x[7]) and (x[8])) or ((x[7]) and (not x[8]))) and (not x[9] and not x[10]))) and (not x[11] and not x[12] and not x[13] and not x[14])))) or ((((((not x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2])))) or ((x[0]) and (not x[1] and not x[2]))) and (x[3] and x[4] and x[5] and x[6])) or ((((not x[0]) and (x[1] and x[2])) or ((x[0]) and (((not x[1]) and (x[2])) or ((x[1]) and (not x[2]))))) and (((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))))) or ((x[0] and x[1] and x[2]) and (((not x[3] and not x[4]) and (x[5] and x[6])) or ((((not x[3]) and (x[4])) or ((x[3]) and (not x[4]))) and (((not x[5]) and (x[6])) or ((x[5]) and (not x[6])))) or ((x[3] and x[4]) and (not x[5] and not x[6]))))) and (not x[7] and not x[8] and not x[9] and not x[10] and not x[11] and not x[12] and not x[13] and not x[14])))
score 644

很好 您认为解决方案可以缩小多少?

@Lembik:还没有真正考虑过。您必须为常见的子表达式定义新的变量。例如,not x[0] and not x[1] and not x[2]在15/5表达式中出现5次。


我会对此发表评论,但我没有声誉。我想评论一下,Frisch等人已将k> = 2推广到k = 1的Kwon&Klieber(称为“ Commander”编码)的结果。“最大k约束的SAT编码”。您要问的是AM-k约束的一种特殊情况,其中有一个附加的子句可以保证At-Least-k(这是微不足道的),只是将所有变量与AM-k约束分离。Frisch是约束建模方面的领先研究者,因此我很乐意建议[(2k + 2 C k + 1)+(2k + 2 C k-1)] * n / 2是关于必需的子句,k * n / 2表示要引入的新变量的数量。引文中有详细信息,以及如何构建此编码的说明。它' 编写用于生成此公式的程序非常简单,我认为这样的解决方案与您现在可能会发现的任何其他解决方案都具有竞争力。HTH。

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