


// in
0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
// out
 2  8  3  9  1
10  5 11  6 12
 4 13 14 15  7
16 17  1  1 18

// in
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
// out
  5  43  17  44  45  46  18  47   8  48  49   6  50  19  51   2
 52  24  53  54   1  55  56  25  57  26  58  59  27  60  28  61
 20  62  63  29  64  65   1  66  30  67  68  21  69   9  70  71
 72  73   1  74  31  75  76  77  78   1  79  80  32  81  82  11
 12  83  84   1  85  86  87  13  88  89  90  14  91  92  33  93
 94  34  95  96  97  15  98  99  35 100  36 101 102   1 103  22
104 105  37 106  38 107  39 108 109  16 110  40 111 112  41 113
  4 114 115   7 116  23 117   3 118 119  42 120   1 121 122  10

// in
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
// out
  2  38 39  26  40   6 41  42  12  43  44   7  45  46  27  47   3
 48  49 15  50  28  51 52  29  53  30  54  55  56  16  57  31  58
 32  59 60  33  61  62 17  63  64  65  18  66  67  68  34  69  35
 70  10 71  72  13  73 74  75   1  76  77  78  11  79  80  14  81
 82  83 36  84  85  86 21  87  88  89  22  90  91  37  92  93  94
 19  95 96  97  23  98 99 100  24 101 102 103  25 104 105 106  20
107 108  4 109 110 111  8 112 113 114   9 115 116 117   5 118 119

在您所用语言的既定代码高尔夫规范中,I / O格式很灵活。您可以假设输入是正确的,大小至少为3x3,并且不完全由相同的布尔值组成。编写函数或完整程序。每种语言中最短的解决方案被认为是赢家;没有答案将被接受。禁止出现标准漏洞。



@Pavel Asocial,不是反社会的吗?


@Pavel infernosocial :)





在线尝试!验证所有测试用例。您可能还希望看到电影院充满了 ASCII艺术。


!t        % Implicit input: M×N matrix of zeros and ones. Transpose and duplicate.
          % The transpose is needed because MATL uses column-major (not row-major)
          % order. It will be undone at the end
~z        % Number of zeros, say Z
:Q        % Range, add 1 element-wise: gives the array [2, 3, ..., Z+1]. These are
          % the new values that will be written into the matrix
"         % For each k in that array
  @       %   Push k. Will be written in a position to be determined
  y       %   Duplicate from below: pushes a copy of the current matrix, that has
          %   values up to k-1 already written in
  X:      %   Linearize into an (R*C)×1 vector, in column-major order
  g       %   Convert to logical: this replaces non-zero values by 1 
  G&n     %   Push input size as two separate numbers: M, N
  :!      %   Range, transpose: gives the column vector [1; 2; ...; N]
  J*      %   Multiply by imaginary unit, 1j, element-wise
  w:      %   Swap, range: gives the row vector [1, 2, ..., M]
  +       %   Add, with broadcast. Gives an N×M complex matrix defining a grid of
          %   coordinates: [1+1j, ..., M+1j; 2+1j, ... 2+1j; ...; N+1j, ..., N+Mj]
  X:      %   Linearize into an (M*N)×1 vector, in column-major order
  &-|     %   (M*N)×(M*N) matrix of absolute differences. This gives all distances
          %   between seats. Rows of this matrix represent currently used seats,
          %   and columns correspond to potential new positions
  w/      %   Swap, divide with broadcast. This divides the rows representing
          %   occupied seats by 1, and those with unocuppied seats by 0. So the
          %   latter rows are set to infinity, which effectively removes them for
          %   the subsequent minimization
  X<      %   Mimimum of each column: this gives the minimum distance to currently
          %   occupied seats for each potential new seat
  &X>     %   Argument maximum: gives the index of the first maximizing value
  (       %   Write value k at that position, using linear indexing
]         % End
!         % Transpose. Implicit display


的JavaScript(ES6),156个 137字节

@ l4m2节省了18个字节





f = (a, n = 1) =>               // a = input array; n = seat counter
  a.map(B =                     // initialize B to a non-numeric value
    (r, y) =>                   // for each row r at position y in a[]:
    r.map((_, x) =>             //   for each target seat at position x in r[]:
      a.map(b =                 //     initialize b to a non-numeric value
        q =>                    //     for each row q in a[]:
        q.map(v =>              //       for each reference seat v in q[]:
          b = b < (             //         if b is less than d, defined as
            d = X * X-- + Y * Y //           the square of the Euclidean distance
          ) | !v ?              //           or the reference seat is empty
            b                   //             let b unchanged
          :                     //           else:
            d,                  //             update b to d
          X = x                 //         start with X = x
        ) & Y--,                //       end of q.map(); decrement Y
        Y = y                   //       start with Y = y
      ) |                       //     end of inner a.map()
      b <= B ||                 //     unless b is less than or equal to B,
      (R = r, C = x, B = b)     //     update B to b and save this position in (R, C)
    )                           //   end of r.map()
  ) | B ?                       // end of outer a.map(); if B was updated:
    f(a, R[C] = ++n)            //   update the best target seat and do a recursive call
  :                             // else:
    a                           //   stop recursion and return a[]


v|b<=B v|如果是v则是不必要的b=0
l4m2 '18


Haskell中216 213 185 184个字节

import Data.Array
m a=[snd$maximum a|a/=[]]
f k=k//m[(r,((a,b),maximum(elems k)+1::Int))|s<-[assocs k],((a,b),0)<-s,r<-[minimum[(x-a)^2+(y-b)^2|((x,y),i)<-s,i>0]]]





Python 2中200个 187字节

z=len(a[0]);P=[divmod(i,z)for i in range(len(a)*z)];i=2
while 0in sum(a,[]):t,y,x=max((min((u-U)**2+(v-V)**2for V,U in P if a[V][U]),-v,-u)for v,u in P);a[-y][-x]=i;i+=1
print a


通过删除不需要的单元格为0 Not that Charles到-13字节的提示。


除了节省我的工作量之外,主要的节省是我将其添加,v,u到了generator的内部inside max,并且您不需要这样做,if a[v][u]<1因为这些将是0最大的,因此不是max。所以我的台词基本上是*_,y,x=max((min(...),-v,-u,v,u)for v,u in P)



@不是查尔斯:很好,完全错过了if a[v][u]<1冗余(因为非零单元格将具有min()0)。
Chas Brown '18



#(let[R(range(count %))C(range(count(% 0)))](loop[M % s 2](if-let[c(ffirst(sort-by last(for[x R y C :when(=((M x)y)0)][[x y](-(nth(sort(for[i R j C :when(>((M i)j)0)](+(*(- i x)(- i x))(*(- j y)(- j y)))))0))])))](recur(assoc-in M c s)(inc s))M)))



果冻35 33 30 29字节



×ı+æị(复杂的合并)替换了一个新的基于j.J 的对偶,从而节省了一个字节。



ZJæịþJFạþx¥F«/MḢṬ×FṀ‘Ɗo@FṁµÐL  Input: matrix M
Z                              Transpose
 J                             Enumerate indices - Get [1 .. # columns]
     J                         Enumerate indices - Get [1 .. # rows]
  æịþ                          Outer product using complex combine
                                 (multiply RHS by 1j and add to LHS)
      F                        Flatten
           F                   Flatten input
          ¥                    Dyadic chain
         x                       Times - Repeat each of LHS by each of RHS
       ạþ                        Outer product using absolute difference
            «/                 Reduce by minimum
              M                Indices of maximal values
               Ḣ               Head
                Ṭ              Untruth - Return a Boolean array with 1's at the indices
                 ×             Times
                     Ɗ         Monadic chain
                  F              Flatten input
                   Ṁ             Maximum
                    ‘            Increment
                      o@       Logical OR
                        F      Flatten input
                         ṁ     Mold - Reshape to match the input
                          µÐL  Repeat until result converges

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