看到两位正则表达式天才Martin Ender和jaytea都为该代码高尔夫编写了正则表达式解决方案而受到启发,我从头开始编写了自己的解决方案。著名的素数检查正则表达式未出现在我的解决方案中的任何地方。
- 匹配素数(如果您还不熟悉正则表达式)
- 匹配2的幂(如果您尚未这样做)。或者只是通过Regex Golf(包括Prime和Powers)进行工作。确保同时完成Classic和Teukon问题集。
找到一种匹配第N个幂的方法,其中N是某个常数> = 2。例如,匹配完美的正方形。(要进行热身,请匹配主要力量。)
否则,请继续阅读并阅读此GitHub Gist(警告,许多破坏者),它记录了推动ECMAScript regex处理难度越来越大的自然数函数的旅程(从teukon的一组难题开始,并非都是数学难题,这激发了这一点)旅程)。
# No ^ anchor needed, because this algorithm always returns a
# match for valid input (in which the first number is less than
# or equal to the second number), and even in /g mode only one
# match can be returned. You can add an anchor to make it reject
# invalid ranges.
((.+).*), # \1 = low end of range; \2 = conjectured number that is the
# smallest number in the set of the largest prime factor of each
# number in the range; note, it is only in subsequent tests that
# this is implicitly confined to being prime.
# We shall do the rest of our work inside the "high end of range"
# number.
(?! # Assert that there is no number in the range whose largest prime
# factor is smaller than \2.
.*(?=\1) # Cycle tail through all numbers in the range, starting with \1.
( # Subroutine (?3):
# Find the largest prime factor of tail, and leave it in tail.
# It will both be evaluated here as-is, and later as an atomic
# subroutine call. As used here, it is not wrapped in an atomic
# group. Thus after the return from group 3, backtracking back
# into it can increase the value of tail – but this won't mess
# with the final result, because only making tail smaller could
# change a non-match into a match.
( # Repeatedly divide tail by its smallest prime factor, leaving
# only the largest prime factor at the end.
(?=(..+)(\5+$)) # \6 = tool to make tail = \5 = largest nontrivial factor of
# current tail, which is implicitly the result of dividing it
# by its smallest prime factor.
\6 # tail = \5
(?!\2) # matches iff tail < \ 2
# now, pick a number in the range whose largest prime factor is \2
.*(?=\1) # Cycle tail through all numbers in the range, starting with \1.
\K # Set us up to return tail as the match.
(?3) # tail = largest prime factor of tail
\2$ # Match iff tail == \2, then return the number whose largest
# prime factor is \2 as the match.
通过将子例程调用替换为该子例程的副本,然后将匹配项作为捕获组返回而不是使用\ K,可以轻松地将该算法移植到ECMAScript。结果是80个字节的长度:
,将大小减小1个字节(从66 个字节减少到65个字节),而不会丢失正确的功能-但是regex呈指数级增长。
在线尝试! (79字节ECMAScript指数减速版本)