


给定两个单词,是否可以确定包含相等数量的w 1w 2的单词的语言是否正常?w1,w2w1w2

您能否给出除01 i0 i 110 i之外的其他这样定义的常规语言示例?那么一个3符号字母的例子呢?1i001i0i110i
babou 2013年

如果w 2的严格子词,则该语言很可能是空的,因此是规则的。我不知道其他例子。w1w2
sdcvvc 2013年

我很怀疑上面的例子是唯一的例子,这使问题可以确定。如果仅指定两个子字符串,我猜它是CF ...取决于您可以指定的发生方式。您对“按发生次数描述”的含义不够精确。
babou 2013年

sdcvvc 2013年

迄今为止,针对特殊情况的解决方案似乎取决于以下想法:的子字符串的出现仅保证介入w 2的单个出现。因此,以某种方式假设当前答案是正确的(对我来说还不是很清楚),看来w 1w 2之间存在某种关系,这保证了在扫描字符串的过程中,一个人可以处于“相等”或“不相等”状态”,但对于“不相等”的情况,只允许使用最大有限数。w1w2w1w2



给定两个单词w 2,是否可以确定包含相等数量的单词的单词的语言Lw1w2L w 2是否规则?w1w2


给定两个单词w 2,我们说: w1w2

  • 总是出现瓦特2,注意到瓦特1瓦特2,当且仅当 w1 w2w1w2

    1. 对于任何字符串使得 s = x w 2 yxss=xw2y | x | 0| x | 1 | | y | 0| y | 1 | 1有另一个分解小号= X ' 瓦特1个ý '注意 x y的条件x,y ≥∣w1+w2|x|0,|x|1|,|y|0,|y|1|1s=xw1y
      xy各自含有至少一个0和1由病理情况下(由@sdcvvc实测值)必需的:瓦特2 = v 1 + Ĵÿ 1 *,和其对称的变体。w1=1i0w2=v1i+jy1
    2. 有一个字符串x s=xw2y使得存在至多一个分解小号= X ' 瓦特1个ÿ 'x,y ≥∣w1+w2s=xw1y
  • 总是cooccurs瓦特2,注意到瓦特1w1 w2,如果每个总是彼此出现,w1w2

  • 瓦特2独立地发生,注意到瓦特1w1w2 ,如果两个人都不总是在一起,w1w2

  • 总是出现倍以上大于瓦特2,注意到瓦特1 瓦特2,当且仅当对于任意字符串小号使得 小号= X 瓦特2 ý | X | | ÿ | | | 瓦特1 | + | 瓦特2 |中号其他分解小号= X 瓦特1 ÿ w1 mw2w1mw2ss=xw2yx, y| ≥∣w1+w2ms=xiw1yi,使得Ĵ意味着 X X Ĵi[1,m]ijxixj

构造这些定义是为了使我们可以忽略在应该出现w 2的字符串末端发生的情况。字符串末尾的边界效应必须单独分析,但它们代表的情况是有限的(实际上,我认为我在下面的第一个分析中忘记了一个或两个这样的边界子情形,但这并不重要)。这些定义与出现的重叠部分兼容。w1w2

There are 4 main cases to consider (ignoring the symetry between w1 and w2):

  1. 这两个词必定会在一起,但可能不在字符串的末尾。这仅涉及形式为 1 i 0 01 i 0 i 1 10 i的对。这可以通过有限自动机轻松识别,该自动机仅检查要识别的字符串两端是否存在孤单出现,以确保在两端或两端都没有孤单出现。当 w 1 = w 2时,还存在简并的情况:那么语言L显然是规则的。w1w2

  2. ,但不是瓦特2瓦特w1w2w2w1
    One of the 2 words cannot occur without the other, but the converse is not true (except possibly at the ends of the string). This happens when:

    • w1 is a substring of w2:then a finite automaton can just check that w1 does not occur outside an instance of w2.

    • w1=1i0 and w2=v1j for some word v{0,1}, v01i: then a finite automaton check as in the previous case that w1 does not occur separated from w2. However, the automaton allows counting one extra instance of w1 that will allow acceptance if w2 is a suffix of the string. There are three other symetrical cases (1-0 symmetry and left-right symetry).

  3. w12w2
    One of the 2 words occurs twice in the other. That can be recognized by an a finite automation that checks that the smaller word never occurs in the string. The is also a slightly more complex variant that combines the two variations of case 2. In this case the automaton checks that the smaller string 1i0 never occurs, except possibly as part of v in the larger one v1j coming as a suffix of the string (and 3 other cases by symetry).

  4. w1w2
    The 2 words can occur independently of each other. We build a generalized-sequential-machine (gsm) G that output a when it recognizes an occurrence of w1 and b when recognizing an occurrence of w2, and forgets everything else. The language L is regular only if the language G(L) is regular. But G(L)={w{a,b} wa=∣wb} which is clearly context-free and not regular. Hence L is not regular.
    Actually we have L=G1(G(L)). Since regular languages and context-free languages are closed under gsm mapping and inverse gsm mapping, we know also that L is context free.

One way to organize a formal proof could be the following. First build a PDA that recognizes the language. Actually it can be done with a 1-counter machine, but it is easier to have two stack symbols to avoid duplicating the finite control. Then, for the cases where it should be a FA, show that the counter can be bounded by a constant that depends only on the two words. For the other cases show that the counter can reach any arbitrary value. Of course, the PDA should be organized so that the proofs are easy enough to carry.

Representing the FA as a 2-stack-symbols PDA is probably the simplest representation for it. In the non-regular case, the finite control part of the PDA is the same as that of the GSM in the proof sketch above. Instead of outputting a's and b's like the GSM, the PDA counts the difference in number with the stack.

I had a question about context-freeness in the case of three words. I deleted it when I realised it could be analyzed similarly. I had first thought that proving non-CFness would make an original exercise, but the GSM ruins it.

It is not clear what do you mean by "occur independently of each other", "come necessarily together" etc. Please write formal definitions instead, and prove that they cover all cases.

I am not sure what you are asking, and what level of formalization you need, for what purpose. I realized that analyzing by hand possible relations of the two words is not garanteed to be correct, and does not matter anyway. What matters is whether an occurence of one word can exist without creating at the same time an occurence (or several) of the other word. The details do not matter as it will always be localized and thus manageable finitely. The two ends do not matter either as tey are localized too. Even overlaps of occurrences do not matter since they can only be finitely many in 1 place

I asked you about precise definitions of the terms mentioned in the comment. Thank you for writing them. Was I supposed to guess them previously? Anyway, you seem to claim that 0i110i. This does not satisfy condition 1. of the definition of "w1 always occurs with w2", since there is no occurrence of 10i in s=0M0i11M.

Sorry, I did not mean to make you guess. It only took me time to understand what exactly you wanted. My failing only. Regarding your counter example, you are correct. But for me it only means that I have to be a little bit more careful about telomeres, in the definition of the relations. I defined them too quickly, but 0M or 1M do not convey much information in this context. This is really a boundary pathological example within a pathological case, that actually cannot occur when more than 2 symbols are used. I just do not believe it changes anything.
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