让为字母。我们定义戴克 -language d Ť ⊆ (Ť ∪ Ť)*的Ť由上下文无关文法ģ = ({ 小号} ,Ť ∪ Ť,δ ,小号)与δ由下式给出TDT⊆(T∪T^)∗TG=({S},T∪T^,δ,S)δ
- 字母表,T
- 一个正则语言和R⊆(T∪T^)∗
- 同态ψ:(T∪T^)→Σ∗
- (和,规范地,Ť = { ] ,⟩ }),T={[,⟨}T^={],⟩}
- 并且R=L([∗]∗⟨∗⟩∗)
- ψ(x)=⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪a,b,ε,c,x=[x= ]x=⟨x= ⟩
这里,我们需要对一种类型的括号的,一个用于b Ç,一个用于b,和另一用于将模拟b那个原因ķ ≠ Ò。我们用abcbbk≠o
- ,T={[,⟨,⊢,<}
- 和R=L(<+>+⊢∗[∗⟨⟨+⟩+⟩]∗⊣∗)∪L(⊢∗[∗⟨⟨+⟩+⟩]∗⊣∗<+>+)
- ψ(x)=⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪b,a,aa,bc,ε,x∈{⊢,⊣,<}x=[x= ]x=⟨else
and apply the theorem. In order to see that L=ψ(DT∩R), we don't need more than the fact that matching symbols (e.g. [ and ]) have to occur equally often in any w∈DT. Adding this contraint to the regular expressions we defined R by, we get
DT∩R={<p>p⊢o[l⟨m⟩m]l⊣o∣p≥1,o≥0,l≥0,m≥2}∪ {…}
and therewith
ψ(DT∩R)={bp+oal(bc)ma2lbo∣p≥1,o≥0,l≥0,m≥2}∪ {…}={bkal(bc)manbo∣k,l,m,n,o∈N,k>o,2l=n,m≥2}∪ {…}=L.
To grammars and automata
If we want to have an automaton or grammar in the end, we have some more work ahead of us.
Towards an automaton, construct the NPDA for DT and an NFA for R. The former is standard and we have algorithms for the latter, provided the language is given in a suitable representation (see also here). Intersection both is another standard construction and ψ can be applied to every transition individually.
Towards a grammar, build one for R (again, should be standard), take the one for DT and intersect them. Then apply ψ to the rule set (symbol for symbol).
Arguably, this is easy since algorithmic; the complexity lies in finding suitable T, R and ψ. I don't know if this approach is (often) simpler than constructing PDA/grammars directly but it may allow to focus on the important features of the language at hand. Try for yourself!