甲矩形是由一个全1子矩阵和其它地方具有零的布尔矩阵。布尔矩阵的OR秩r k (A )是矩形的最小数量r,因此A可以写为这些矩形的(按分量)OR。即,A的每个1个条目在至少一个矩形中是1个条目,并且A的每个0个条目在所有矩形中是0个条目。请注意,log r k (A )恰好是矩阵A的不确定通信复杂度rk(A)rAAAlogrk(A)A(爱丽丝在其中获取行,鲍勃在其中列)。如OP写道,每布尔米× Ñ矩阵甲= (一个我,Ĵ)定义了映射Ŷ = 甲X,其中 ÿ 我 = ⋁ Ñ Ĵ = 1一个我,Ĵ X Ĵ用于我= 1 ,... ,米。也就是说,我们在布尔半环上采用矩阵向量乘积。
以下引理归功于Pudlák和Rödl;见命题10.1 本文
引理1:对于每一个布尔Ñ × Ñ矩阵甲,映射ÿ = 甲X可以通过深度-3的使用至多一个无限扇入OR电路来计算ø (ř ķ (甲)⋅ ñ /登录Ñ )导线。
引理2:如果布尔矩阵A的每一列或每一行最多包含d个零,则r k (A )= O (d ln | A |),其中| A | 是A中的1秒数。
构造一个随机清一色1子矩阵[R通过以相同的概率独立地采摘的每一行p = 1 /(d + 1 )。让我成为获得的随机行子集。然后让R = I × J,其中J是A的所有列的集合,在I的行中没有零。
阿1个 -entry (我,Ĵ )的甲由覆盖ř如果我被选择在
我和无的(至多d)行与0在Ĵ被选为在第柱予。因此,条目(我,Ĵ )覆盖有概率至少p (1 - p )d ≥ p ë - p d - p 2 d ≥1(i,j)ARiId0jI(i,j)p / ë。如果我们将这个过程 [R次获得 [R矩形,那么概率(我,Ĵ )是由没有这些矩形不超过所覆盖(1 - p / ë )[R ≤ é - [R p / ë。受联合约束,最多仍可以发现
A的1个条目的概率 | A | ⋅ ë - - [R p / ëp(1−p)d≥pe−pd−p2d≥p/err(i,j)(1−p/e)r≤e−rp/e1A|A|⋅e−rp/e, which is smaller than 11 for r=O(dln|A|)r=O(dln|A|).
Corollary: If every column or every row of a boolean matrix AA contains at most dd zeros, then the mapping y=Axy=Ax can be computed by an unbounded fanin OR-circuit of depth-3 using
O(dn)O(dn) wires.
I guess that a similar upper bound as in Lemma 2 should also hold when dd is the average number of 11s in a column (or in a row). It would be interesting to show this.
Remark: (added 04.01.2018) An analogue rk(A)=O(d2logn)rk(A)=O(d2logn) of Lemma 2 also holds when dd is the maximum average number of zeros in a submatrix of AA, where the average number of zeros in an r×sr×s matrix is the total number of zeros divided by s+rs+r.
This follows from Theorem 2 in N. Eaton and V. Rödl;, Graphs of small dimension, Combinatorica 16(1) (1996) 59-85.
A slightly worse upper bound rk(A)=O(d2ln2n)rk(A)=O(d2ln2n) can be derived directly from Lemma 2 as follows.
Lemma 3: Let d≥1d≥1. If every spanning subgraph of a bipartite graph GG has average degree ≤d≤d, then GG can be written as a union G=G1∪G2G=G1∪G2, where the maximum left degree of G1G1 and the maximum right degree of G2G2 are ≤d≤d.
Proof: Induction on the number nn of vertices. The base cases n=1n=1 and n=2n=2 are obvious. For the induction step, we will color the edges in blue and red so that the maximum degree in both blue and red subgraphs are ≤d≤d. Take a vertex uu of degree ≤d≤d; such a vertex must exists because also the average degree of the entire graph must be ≤d≤d. If uu belongs to the left part, then color all edges incident to uu in blue, else color all these edges in red. If we remove the vertex uu then the average degree of the resulting graph GG is also at most dd, and we can color the edges of this graph by the induction hypothesis. ◻□
Lemma 4: Let d≥1d≥1. If the maximum average number of zeros in a boolean n×nn×n matrix A=(ai,j)A=(ai,j) is at most dd, then rk(A)=O(d2ln2n)rk(A)=O(d2ln2n).
Proof: Consider the bipartite n×nn×n graph GG with (i,j)(i,j) being an edge iff ai,j=0ai,j=0. Then the maximum average degree of GG is at most dd. By Lemma 3, we can write G=G1∪G2G=G1∪G2, where
the maximum degree of the vertices on the left part of G1G1, and the maximum degree of the vertices on the right part of G2G2 is ≤d≤d.
Let A1A1 and A2A2 be the complements of the adjacency matrices of G1G1 and G2G2.
Hence, A=A1∧A2A=A1∧A2 is a componentwise AND of these matrices.
The maximum number of zeros in every row of A1A1 and in every column of A2A2 is at most dd. Since rk(A)≤rk(A1)⋅rk(A2), Lemma 2 yields rk(A)=O(d2ln2n). ◻
N.B. The following simple example (pointed by Igor Sergeev) shows that my "guess" at the end of the answer was totally wrong: if we take d=d(A) to be the average number of zeros in the entire matrix A (not the maximum of averages over all submatrices), then Lemma 2 can badly fail. Let m=√n, and put an identity m×m matrix in, say left upper corner of A, and fill the remaining entries by ones. Then d(A)≤m2/2n<1 but rk(A)≥m, which is exponentially larger than ln|A|. Note, however, that the OR complexity of this matrix is very small, is O(n). So, direct arguments (not via rank) can yield much better upper bounds on the OR complexity of dense matrices.