

















好的,“标准”定义是一种有关动量和位置不确定性(特别是标准偏差)的物理陈述,并且在其中带有。即便如此,在这种情况下,你必须定义什么是“的意思Δ 牛逼 ”和“ Δ ˚F ”。该常数(您指定为1ΔtΔf)不能太远统一(在对数标度),但它不一定是114π除外由于对“的一个具体定义Δ”和“Δ˚F”。14πΔtΔf


电气工程师使用Dirac delta函数有点快而松散,数学家认为这不是函数(或者至少不是“常规”函数,而是“分布”)。数学事实是,如果f(t)=g(t) “几乎无处不在”(其以每值的装置t除了离散值的可数),则


well the functions f(t)=0 and g(t)=δ(t) are equal everywhere except at t=0, yet we electrical engineers insist that their integrals are different. but if you set aside this little (and, in my opinion, non-practical) difference, the answer to your question is:

  1. 狄拉克梳功能

    IIIT(t)=n=+cn ej2πnt/T

  2. 如果将傅立叶级数的系数cn爆破,则会得到:


  1. so the Fourier series for the Dirac comb is

IIIT(t)=n=+1T ej2πnt/T

which means you're just summing up a bunch of sinusoids of equal amplitude.

  1. the Fourier Transform of a single complex sinusoid is:


and there is this property of linearity regarding the Fourier Transform. the rest of the proof is an exercise left to the reader.

@Jazzmaniac, that's a falsehood. when have i ever been condescending toward mathematicians? (me thinks you're projecting a bit.) BTW, it's been 38 years since i have had 2 semesters of functional analysis at the graduate level. don't remember everything, but i sure do remember what a metric space is, a normed metric space (i think they were sometimes called "Banach spaces"), and inner product spaces (sometimes called "Hilbert spaces"), and what a functional is (maps from one of these to a number). and i know what linear spaces are. about δ(t), i don't mind them being naked.
robert bristow-johnson

You go on with a wrong argument that suggests mathematicians don't get 1 when they integrate over a Dirac distribution. Well, you can't demonstrate any better that you haven't understood the Dirac distribution, even if you have taken a class on functional analysis. It doesn't need electrical engineers like you to "fix" mathematics. And I will keep pointing that out to you until you stop talking about mathematicians like that. It's entirely your choice.

that's a falsehood, too, @Jazzmaniac. i am saying that, consistent with what mathematicians tell us, the Dirac delta function is not really a function (even though we electrical engineers don't worry about that distinction and deal with it as if it were a function) because if it were a function that was zero almost everywhere, the integral would be zero. why do you keep misrepresenting me? what is the ax you're grinding?
robert bristow-johnson

@robertbristow-johnson "electrical engineers play a little fast and loose with the Dirac delta function." Paul Dirac was an electrical engineer. Claude Shannon was also an electrical engineer. I admonish you from making such general and inaccurate statements. You claim to be an electrical engineer and clearly understand distribution theory.
Mark Viola

nearly every undergraduate electrical engineering textbook on Linear System Theory or Signals and Systems or some similar name, will introduce and treat the Dirac Delta as a limiting case of a "nascent delta". e.g. :
or some other unit area pulse function that you can make skinny. i would not be surprized that in published papers, folks like Shannon or Dirac (didn't know that) would stick with the conservative facts:
f(t)δ(tτ) dt=f(τ)
δ(t)=0 t0
robert bristow-johnson


I shall try to give an intuition. The way we could probably think is : "One Dirac delta gives us a 1 in frequency domain. Now I give infinite number of Dirac deltas. Shouldn't I get a higher DC?" Now let us see whether by adding all those frequency components mentioned in the Dirac comb in the frequency domain(FD), we get another Dirac comb in time domain(TD). We are adding continuous waveforms and getting deltas at discrete points. Sounds weird.

Coming back to the FD. We have a Dirac comb with spacing ω0. To put it in words, we have deltas at 0,±ω0,±2ω0,±3ω0 and so on. We thus have a DC and infinite number of cosines, namely cos(ω0t),cos(2ω0t),cos(3ω0t) and so on.

Let's consider points in time domain corresponding to t=2nπω0. All the above cosine waves will give us value 1. Hence they all add up and give us non zero value at those points. Now what about any other t? We need to get convinced that they will all add up to zero.

Now deviating slightly, let's consider a waveform cos(kn);n=0,1,2,3,4.... We know that unless k can be expressed as a fraction multiplied by π, it's aperiodic. What does that mean? There is not a single repeating sample. Each of the samples are unique. Looking it from another perspective, we have infinite number of samples which are unique and part of a cosine wave. This means taking all the infinite points, we will be able to construct a single CONTINUOUS cosine wave completely once. What if cos(kn) is periodic? We already know that the sum of samples will be zero periodically based on value of k. Hence, sum of all the samples of cos(kn) will give us zero for any value of k, except k=2π's multiple.

Returning back to our original problem : We now take an arbitrary t=t02rπ. Now we have cos(0ω0t0)[dc]+cos(ω0t0)+cos(2ω0t0)+cos(3ω0t0)....as the value at t=t0. But we have already proved this infinite sum =0 for any t except t=2nπω0, where all these cosines add up to give dirac deltas.

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