ωm∈[0,2π),m=0,1,…,M−1 (where M>2N+1, and often M≫2N+1). For each frequency, substitute the corresponding value of ωk into the above equation to yield:
The values H(ωk) are obtained by sampling the desired frequency response at the chosen frequencies ωk. After generating the system of linear equations, the least-squares solution for the system's coefficients bk and ak (and therefore its poles and zeros) is easily obtained. If you substitute those coefficients back into the equation for H(ω) shown above, it should (hopefully) yield a function that is close to the template frequency response that you started with.
This technique has a few advantages:
Any arbitrary complex (magnitude and phase) frequency response can be used as the template. If you only have a magnitude constraint, you could just pick a phase response, such as linear phase.
It can be used to design both FIR and IIR filters; for an FIR realization, just remove the ak coefficients from the above.
The technique is very simple to implement and is easily parameterizable based upon the desired system order.
While there may not be a good way to estimate a priori what the required system order is to meet your design constraints, it is simple to iteratively increase the order N until some selected error metric is met (such as peak error, total squared error, or deviation within a specific band).
You could extend this method a bit to use weighted least-squares optimization if needed; this would allow you to specify regions of the frequency response whose approximation error is weighted more than others. This allows you to more tightly control passband/stopband areas while allowing more slop in "don't-care" areas.