

如何计算照亮给定图像的光源的(等效于黑体)色温?下面是Adobe Lightroom操纵色温和RGB直方图偏移的屏幕截图。给定图像的RGB分量,如何计算它?我应该期望一个值-照明源的黑体等效温度,对吗?

4600千 23810千

Endlith 2013年

我问题的最后一部分-“我应该期望一个值-照明源的黑体等效温度,对吗?” 我不清楚吗?如果是这样,请随时提出修改建议。如果您的表面是绿色,则视光源而定,外观会有所不同。我正在尝试查看绿色并计算照明源的(等效于黑体)温度-Photoshop和Light Room如何做到这一点?即使是纯绿色的对象也不应显示为-#00FF00(十六进制rgb)。


Endlith 2013年

@endolith-可以吗?我不确定。我认为可能会。相机内置了白平衡控制。但是大多数图像具有多种阴影,这似乎是通过直方图分析的-随机的。因此,可能存在处于特定温度的置信区间。此外,相机和图片也具有一些元数据。我感觉这是专家驱动的方程式-有人(专家)对其进行了校准以给出一个数字。就像* C或* F一样-谁决定将水的凝固点设置为0 * C或32 * F?










where n=(x0.3320)/(0.1858y)


where n=((0.23881)R+(0.25499)G+(0.58291)B)/((0.11109)R+(0.85406)G+(0.52289)B)

I am not sure about applying this to an image, but if you just want a single, generalizing number, than you could perhaps use some sort of averaging? Either find an acceptable "average" RGB value for the image (eg. the centroid) and use that to calculate a temperature or (a much more computationally expensive option) calculate the temperature for each pixel in the image and take the average of those results.

Also, bear in mind that CCT is only an approximate metric for most colors, since only a single curve in the color space actually represents color which can be obtained from a real world black body radiator. Thus for all other colors, the calculated color temperature is simply an approximation of the black body temperature it most closely represents. Thus, for some colors (especially greens) it can actually be a somewhat meaningless value, at least in a physical sense. This is illustrated well in the following image (from the wikipedia article on color temperature).

The black line in the image represents the Planckian Locus of colors which could actually be produced by block body radiation. The smaller crossing lines represent the isotherms of the CCT approximation nearbye.

Also, since your question specifically references Adobe Lightroom, I found this while searching around:

The sliders [in Adobe Lightroom] adjust not the black body temp of the light, but the compensation applied to the image to compensate for the black body temp of the light. This goes the other way round.

So bear in mind that the color temperature you see on the Lightroom slider will not be the same as those calculated from the above formulae.

Please be advised that the RGB-XYZ transform used above appears to be specific to the colour space used by a certain hardware. It is most certainly not correct for sRGB, which is what is most probably being used in OP's case. Refer to the correct transforms in the sRGB standard

Note also that the Y component in CIE 1931 denotes luminance, as opposed to illuminance


I've calculated some colors according to your formulae, and as I see in some cases it works, while in some other cases - such as red (255 0 0) and blue (0 0 255) - it gives wrong answer:

  • white (255 255 255): n = 0.4049, CCT = 8890.77 K -> seems to be correct
  • yellow (255 255 0): n = -0.6646, CCT = 2410.65 K -> seems to be correct
  • green (0 255 0): n = -0.2986, CCT = 3785.42 K -> seems to be correct
  • cyan (0 255 255): n = 0.9902, CCT = 16168.7 K -> seems to be correct
  • magenta (255 0 255): n = -0.5428, CCT = 2783.54 K -> seems to be correct


  • red (255 0 0): n = 2.1497, CCT = 40938.6 K -> seems to be wrong

  • blue (0 0 255): n = -1.1148, CCT = 1672.45 K -> seems to be wrong

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