正如@AndyW和@ArthurB在评论中所建议的。,除了简单的加权均值以外,其他方法也可用。关于平均专家预测的文献中描述了许多这样的方法,而我以前并不熟悉这些方法,所以谢谢大家。在平均专家预测时,有时我们想纠正以下事实:专家倾向于回归到均值(Baron等,2013),或者使他们的预测更加极端(Ariely等,2000; Erev等,1994)。要实现这一目标,可以使用单个预测,例如logit函数
其中如果没有施加变换,如果一个> 1个个体预测是更加极端,如果0 < 一< 1个预测是由不那么极端,什么显示在画面的下方(参见卡马卡尔,1978; Baron等,2013 )。
在进行此类转换后,对预测值进行平均(使用算术平均值,中位数,加权平均值或其他方法)。如果使用方程式(1)或(2),则需要使用(1)的反对数和(2)的反几率对结果进行反变换。另外,也可以使用几何平均值(参见Genest和Zidek,1986;参见Dietrich and List,2014)
其中是权重。在大多数情况下,除非存在暗示其他选择的先验信息,否则将使用相等的权重w i = 1 / N。此类方法用于对专家预测进行平均,以纠正置信度过低或过高的情况。在其他情况下,您应该考虑将预测转换为更多或更少极端值是否合理,因为这会使最终的总估计超出最低和最高单个预测所标记的边界。
但是从您的问题中并不能得出您对问题有任何先验知识,因此您可能会使用统一的先验知识,即假设先验概率 下雨的可能性为,在您提供的示例中,这实际上并没有太大变化。
其中是一个数字的出现我个值(在d类别),给你p 我 = 0如果Ñ 我 = 0。这称为零频问题。对于此类值,您知道它们的概率不为零(它们存在!),因此此估计显然是不正确的。还有一个实际的问题:用零相乘和除会导致零或不确定的结果,因此零在处理上是有问题的。
对于共同选择是1,即,施加之前基于均匀连续的拉普拉斯规则,1 / 2为克里切夫斯基-Trofimov估计,或1 / d为舒尔曼-的Grassberger(1996)估计器。但是请注意,此处要做的是在模型中应用数据外(先验)信息,因此它具有主观贝叶斯风格。使用这种方法时,您必须记住自己所做的假设,并将其考虑在内。我们有很强的先验事实知道我们的数据中不应该存在零概率的知识直接证明了这里的贝叶斯方法是正确的。在您的情况下,您没有频率而是有概率,因此您将添加一些非常小的值以校正零。但是请注意,在某些情况下,此方法可能会带来不良后果(例如,在处理日志时),因此应谨慎使用。
Schurmann,T。和P. Grassberger。(1996)。符号序列的熵估计。 混沌, 6,41-427。
Ariely,D.,Tung Au,W.,Bender,RH,Budescu,DV,Dietz,CB,Gu,H.,Wallsten,TS和Zauberman,G.(2000)。在法官之间和法官内部平均主观概率估计的影响。 实验心理学杂志:应用,6(2),130。
J. Baron,Mellers,文学士,Tetlock,PE,Stone,E。和Ungar,LH(2014)。使汇总概率预测更加极端的两个原因。决策分析,11(2),133-145。
埃里夫(Irev),沃兹滕(TS)和布德斯库(DV)(1994)。过度自信和自信不足:错误在判断过程中的作用。 心理评论,101(3),519。
特纳(BM),史蒂夫(Steyvers),M.Merkle,EC,布德斯库(DV)和沃斯滕(TS)(2014)。通过重新校准预测聚合。 机器学习,95(3),261-289。
Genest,C.和Zidek,JV(1986)。组合概率分布:评论和带注释的书目。 统计科学,1,114-135。
弗吉尼亚州的萨托帕(Satopää),约翰·巴伦(J. 使用简单的logit模型组合多个概率预测。国际预测杂志,30(2),344-356。
Genest,C.和Schervish,MJ(1985)。 Modeling expert judgments for Bayesian updating. The Annals of Statistics, 1198-1212.
There are two way to think of the problem. One is to say that the sources observe a noisy version of the latent variable "it will rain / it will not rain".
For instance, we could say that each source draws its estimates from a distribution if it will rain, and a distribution if it will not.
In this case, the parameter drops out and the three forecast, , , and would be combined as
is a parameter controlling how under () or over () confident the sources are. If we assume that the sources estimates are unbiased, then and the estimate simplifies as
Which is just saying: the odds of rain is the product of the odds given by each source. Note that it is not well defined if a source gives an estimate of exactly and another gives an estimate of exactly , but under our model, this never happens, the sources are never that confident. Of course we could patch the model to allow for this to happen.
This model works better if you're thinking of three people telling you whether or not it rained yesterday. In practice, we know that there is an irreducible random component in the weather, and so it might be better to assume that nature first picks a probability of rain, which is noisily observed by the sources, and then flips a biased coin to decide whether or not it is going to rain.
In that case, the combined estimate would look much more like an average between the different estimates.
In the framework of Transferable Belief Model (TBM), it is possible to combine different predictions using for instance the "conjunctive rule of combination". In order to apply this rule, you need to transform the probabilities of the predictions into basic belief assignments. This can be achieved with the so-called Least-Committed-Principle. In R:
p1 <- c(0.99, 0.01) # bad results for 0 and 1
p2 <- c(0.01, 0.99)
p3 <- c(0.5, 0.5)
# basic belief assignment,
# each row represents a subset of (rain, not rain)
# each column represents one prediction
Mat <- LCPrincple(rbind(p1,p2,p3))
# combine beliefs
m <- DST(Mat, 1)
# resulting probability distribution (pignistic probability)
# returns 0.5 and 0.5
For the second example of three independent predictions of 0.75, this approach returns a higher value:
p4 <- c(0.75, 0.25)
Mat <- LCPrincple(rbind(p4,p4,p4))
m <- DST(Mat, 1)
#returns 0.9375 0.0625
This is not very far from the Bayesian approach shown in Arthur B's answer.
I think it's worthwhile to look at the weighting scheme based on inverse errors mentioned in one of the answers. If the sources are truly independent and we constrain the weights to sum to one, the weights are given by
If, as the OP states, the forecasts are equally reliable, then all weights will simplify to and the combined forecast for the given example will be 50%.
Note that the values of do not need to be known if their relative proportions are known. So if then the forecast in the example would be
Their numbers for rain likelihood is only half the story, as we'd have to temper their predictions with the probability that they are accurate when making guesses.
E [rain] = Px X + Py Y + Pz * Z是我们在这里查看的形式:
(.6)(0)+(。3)(1)+(。1)(。5)= E [rain] = 35%的降雨机会,具有预估的准确度。
这个问题有很多复杂的答案,但是逆方差加权均值呢:https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-variance_weighting
为了结合可靠性,我的首选公式是r1xr2xr3÷(r1xr2xr3 +(1-r1)x(1-r2)x(1-r3)。因此,对于3个可靠性来源来说,有75%的人都说相同的话, .75 ^ 3÷(.75 ^ 3 + .25 ^ 3)=>组合响应的96%可靠性