





我将为您提供以下游戏。您付给我10 美元,我会掷一枚公平的硬币。头部给我5 美元,尾巴给我20 美元

期望是12.5 美元,因此您将始终可以玩游戏。


我会给你一个10 美元的信封,信封已经打开,你可以检查一下。那么我告诉你一个信封,关闭,这个时候,告诉你:这个信封或者具有$ 5或以相同的概率$ 20吧。您要交换吗?

我觉得这与问题1完全一样,您放弃了$ 10换了$ 5或$ 20,所以再次您总是会切换。








我拿着两个信封。我合上了一张10 美元的货币,将其交给玩家。然后我告诉他,我还有一个信封,是我刚给你的信封的两倍或一半。您要切换吗?然后,我继续掷出一枚公平的硬币,往正面扔了5 美元,向尾摆放 20 美元,然后递给他信封。然后我问他。您刚给我的信封是您所持信封的两倍或一半。您要切换吗?



至少对我来说,关键的理解是我不能只说“我有X,因此(1/2 * X + 2X)/ 2> X”- 总平均机会是50/50,但是对于任何特定的X ,预期机会不再是50/50;X越大,在另一个包络中具有2 * X的机会越小(对于正有限分布);所以上积分的可能X'es sum(p(X) * (1/2X*f(X) + 2X(1-f(X)) ) = X,其中f(X)是该第一包络线是大的可能性,给定的任何特定X.

在自相矛盾的说法中,没有什么可以说是实验者选择了X的数量,然后实验者随机决定将XX/2放到另一个信封中。您不断将您创建的情况与两个信封悖论混为一谈的事实意味着您不理解为什么玩家认为另一个信封有X/22 X的机会是50/50是不正确的2X。在实际的两种包膜的问题,即概率2X是在另一个信封是0或1













首先指定损失函数。从下面定义的意义上说,我们的目标将是最大程度地减少其期望。一个不错的选择是当实验者正确猜测时使损失等于1,否则使损失等于0。该损失函数的期望是错误猜测的可能性。通常,通过为错误的猜测分配各种惩罚,损失函数可以正确捕获猜测的目的。可以肯定的是,采用损失函数就像在x 1上假设先验概率分布一样任意。 x1x2,但更为自然和根本。当我们面对决策时,我们自然会考虑对或错的后果。如果两种方法都没有后果,那为什么要关心呢?每当做出(合理的)决策时,我们都会隐含地考虑潜在损失,因此我们会从显式的损失考虑中受益,而使用概率来描述纸条上的可能值是不必要的,人为的,并且-我们将看到-可能阻止我们获得有用的解决方案。


  • 样本空间 S 由所有可能的观察组成;在这里可以用R标识 R (实数集)。

  • 自然状态Ω 是控制实验结果的可能概率分布。(这是我们可以谈论事件的“概率”的第一种感觉。)在“猜测更大”的问题中,这些是离散分布,具有分别 具有相等概率的不同实数 x1x2值共每个值 2个Ω 可以由参数{ω=X1X2[R×[R| x1>x2}12Ω{ω=(x1,x2)R×R | x1>x2}.

  • 决策空间是二进制集 Δ={smaller,larger}可能决策。

用这些术语,损耗函数是定义为Ω ×的实值函数。它告诉我们一个决策(第二个论点)与现实(第一个论点)相比有多“糟糕”。Ω×Δ

实验人员可以使用的最通用的决策程序 是一种随机决策程序:对于任何实验结果,其值都是Δ上的概率分布 。即,观察结果x时做出的决定 不一定是确定的,而是根据分布δ x 随机选择 。(这是涉及概率的第二种方法。)δΔxδ(x)

只有两个元素时,任何随机过程都可以通过它分配给预定决策的概率来识别,具体来说,我们认为它是“更大”的。 Δ


物理旋转器实现这样一个二进制随机过程:可自由旋转的指针会停在上部区域中,对应于一个决定,具有概率δ,否则将在左下区域停止与概率1 - δ x 。所说的纺丝器完全由指定的值确定δ X [ 0 1 ]Δδ1δ(x)δ(x)[0,1]




Prδ(x)(larger)=δ(x)  and  Prδ(x)(smaller)=1δ(x).

相反,任何这样的函数 确定随机决定过程。随机决定包括在特殊情况确定性决定,其中的范围 δ '在于{ 0 1 }δδ{0,1}

我们说,结果 x的决策过程δ成本δ x 的预期损失。期望是关于决策空间Δ上的 概率分布 δ x 。每个自然状态ω(回想起来,是样本空间S上的二项式概率分布 )确定任何过程δ的预期成本 ;这是危险δω风险δω δxδ(x)δ(x)ΔωSδδωRiskδ(ω)。在此,期望是关于自然状态 ω

比较决策程序的风险功能。 当自然状态真正未知时,δ是两个过程,且所有 ω的风险εω 风险δω ,则使用过程ε是没有意义的 ,因为过程 δ永远不会更糟并且在某些情况下可能会更好)。这样的程序 εδRiskε(ω)Riskδ(ω)ωεδ不允许的ε; 否则,它是可接受的。通常存在许多可接受的程序。我们认为它们中的任何一个都是“好”的,因为它们在任何其他程序中都无法始终胜过它们。

请注意,没有在上引入先验分布 (C的“混合策略ΩC((1)中的“ ”)。这是概率可能是问题设置一部分的第三种方法。使用它使当前分析比(1)及其参考文献的分析更笼统,同时更简单。

表1评估了当真实自然状态由给出时的风险 ω=(x1,x2). 回想一下 x1>x2.



Risk(x1,x2): (1δ(x1)+δ(x2))/2.


鉴于你一无所知 X 2,不同之处在于它们是不同的,你能找到一个决策程序 δ为其风险 [ 1 - δ '最大X 1X 2x1x2δ 肯定小于 1[1δ(max(x1,x2))+δ(min(x1,x2))]/212

该陈述等效于要求 δ(x)>δ(y)每当 从那里,它是必要的和足够的实验者的判断程序,以由一些严格递增函数来指定 δ '小号[ 0 1 ] 这组过程包括,但比,所有的“混合策略大Q的” 1。有很多x>y.δ:S[0,1].Q 比任何非随机过程都更好的随机决策过程!


令人鼓舞的是,这种简单的分析揭示了针对“猜大”问题的大量解决方案,其中包括以前未发现的好的方案。 让我们看看用相同的方法可以解决摆在我们面前的另一个问题的问题,即“两个信封”问题(有时也称为“盒子问题”)。这涉及一种通过随机选择两个信封之一来玩的游戏,已知其中一个信封的钱是另一个信封的两倍。打开信封并观察数量 x 玩家决定是否将钱存放在未打开的信封中(“切换”)还是将​​钱存放在打开的信封中。人们会认为切换和不切换是同样可以接受的策略,因为玩家同样不确定哪个信封包含更大的金额。矛盾的是,切换似乎是更好的选择,因为它在x / 2的收益之间提供了“等概率”的选择 其预期值 5 x / 4 超过了打开包络中的值。请注意,这两种策略都是确定性的和恒定的。2xx/2,5x/4


S={xR | x>0},Ω={Discrete distributions supported on {ω,2ω} | ω>0 and Pr(ω)=12},andΔ={Switch,Do not switch}.

如前,任何决定过程 可以被认为是从一个函数 小号[ 0 1 ] δS[0,1],通过将其与不进行切换,这又可以写入的概率相关联此时。开关必须的当然的概率是互补值1 - δ 'X δ(x)1δ(x).

表2所示,损失是游戏收益的负数。这是自然的真实状态的函数,结果X(其可以是 ω2 ω),和决定的,这依赖于结果。ωxω2ω


LossLossOutcome(x)SwitchDo not switchCostω2ωωω[2(1δ(ω))+δ(ω)]2ωω2ωω[1δ(2ω)+2δ(2ω)]

表2除了显示损失函数外,还计算了任意决策程序的成本 。因为游戏产生两个结果的概率相等为1δω 为自然状态时的风险 为12ω


恒定过程,该装置总是切换()或始终站在PAT(δ 'X = 1),将具有风险 - 3 ω / 2。任何严格递增函数,或者更一般地,任何函数δ ' 与范围在[ 0 1 ]针对 δ '2 X > δ 'X 对于所有正实 Xδ(x)=0δ(x)=13ω/2δ[0,1]δ(2x)>δ(x)确定过程 δ 具有风险函数总是严格小于 - 3 ω / 2,因此优于任一恒定过程,无论自然的真实状态的 ω因此,恒定程序是不可接受的,因为存在某些程序,无论其自然状态如何,其风险有时较低,而从来没有较高。x,δ3ω/2ω




  • 随机策略不会有坏情况:无论如何选择总金额,从长远来看,这些策略都不会比恒定策略差。

  • 没有与限制值随机化策略1个占优势的任何其他人的:如果对于期望δω 2 ω 是在该包络线超过了期望ε,则存在与一些其它可能的状态η 2包络中的η ε的期望值超过 δ的期望值。01δ(ω,2ω)ε(η,2η)εδ

  • 策略包括,作为特殊情况,战略等同于许多贝叶斯策略。任何策略,指出“如果开关X小于某个阈Ť和留否则”对应于δ X = 1X Ť δ X = 0否则。δxTδ(x)=1xT,δ(x)=0

那么,主张始终转换的谬论到底是什么呢? 隐含的假设是,替代方案根本没有任何概率分布。具体而言, 在打开的信封中观察到 时,用于切换的直观论据基于条件概率Prob(未打开的信封中的量| x 被观察到),这些概率是在基础自然状态集上定义的概率。但是这些不能从数据中计算出来。决策理论框架不需要 为了解决问题而在Ω上分配概率 ,问题也没有指定一个。xxΩ

此结果与(1)及其参考文献所获得的结果有细微但重要的区别。 其他解决方案都假设(即使无关紧要)在上存在先验概率分布 ,然后从本质上证明它在S上必须是均匀的 反过来,这是不可能的。但是,这里给出的二包络问题的解决方案并不是作为某些给定先验分布的最佳决策程序而出现的,因此,这种分析方法对其没有予以关注。在当前的处理中,是否可以存在先验概率分布根本不重要。我们可以将其描述为ΩS.不确定信封的内容(如先前的分发所述)与完全不知道信封的内容(因此没有相关的先前分发)之间的对比。





(1)D. Samet,I。Samet和D. Schmeidler,两个信封拼图背后的一个观察。 美国数学月刊111(2004年4月)347-351。

(2)J. Kiefer,《统计推断导论》。 纽约,Springer-Verlag,1987年。


很好写!乔·布利兹施泰因(Joe Blitzstein)在哈佛大学Stat 110讲座中谈到了两个信封问题,如果有人对此感兴趣的话,可以在youtube上免费获得。

@whuber考虑此变体。假设我选择了两个金额,使得一个金额是另一个金额的两倍。然后,我掷一个公平的硬币来决定哪个金额放入哪个信封。现在,您随机选择一个信封,并想象其中的数量,将其称为(如果此步骤有问题,请考虑打开信封并查看实际数量的情况-因为无论您看到什么值,推理都适用在内部,它应与一般x一起使用。然后计算的钱的期望值中的其他包络ë = 1 / 2 X / 2 + 1xxE=(1/2)(x/2)+(1/2)(2x)=1.25x>x...
Zubin Mukerjee

I guess I don't understand where in that reasoning I "assumed a prior distribution on the states of nature". Did I? Clearly the reasoning cannot be correct, because I cannot justify switching to the other envelope by merely thinking about the first envelope (since the same logic would apply to the second, once I switch once).
Zubin Mukerjee

@Zubin There is a basic (but interesting) mistake in that analysis. Let θ be the smaller amount in the two envelopes. Given an observation of x, you know that either θ=x or θ=x/2 and that the likelihood of this observation in either case is 1/2. In the former case the amount Y in the other envelope is 2x and in the latter case it is x/2, but in order to assign a valid expectation to Y you must assume there is some probability distribution for θ. Equal likelihood is not equivalent to equal probability.


The issue in general with the two envelope problem is that the problem as presented on wikipedia allows the size of the values in the envelopes to change after the first choice has been made. The problem has been formulized incorrectly.

However, a real world formulation of the problem is this: you have two identical envelopes: A and B, where B=2A. You can pick either envelope and then are offered to swap.

Case 1: You've picked A. If you switch you gain A dollars.

Case 2: You've picked B. If you switch you loose A dollars.

This is where the flaw in the two-envelope paradox enters in. While you are looking at loosing half the value or doubling your money, you still don't know the original value of A and the value of A has been fixed. What you are looking at is either +A or A, not 2A or 12A.

If we assume that the probability of selecting A or B at each step is equal,. the after the first offered swap, the results can be either:

Case 1: Picked A, No swap: Reward A

Case 2: Picked A, Swapped for B: Reward 2A

Case 3: Picked B, No swap: Reward 2A

Case 4: Picked B, Swapped for A: Reward A

The end result is that half the time you get A and half the time you get 2A. This will not change no matter how many times you are offered a swap, nor will it change based upon knowing what is in one envelope.

IMO, the problem says that you cannot lose A no matter what. So, your +A vs -A cannot be appropriate. You either win A or 2A.
Little Alien


My interpretation of the question

I am assuming that the setting in problem 3 is as follows: the organizer first selects amount X and puts X in the first envelope. Then, the organizer flips a fair coin and based on that puts either 0.5X or 2X to the second envelope. The player knows all this, but not X nor the result of the coin-flip. The organizer gives the player the first envelope (closed) and asks if the player wants to switch. The questioner argues 1. that the player wants to switch because the switching increases expectation (correct) and 2. that after switching, the same reasoning symmetrically holds and the player wants to switch back (incorrect). I also assume the player is a rational risk-neutral Bayesian agent that puts a probability distribution over X and maximizes expected amount of money earned.

Note that if the we player did not know about the coin-flip procedure, there might be no reason in the first place to argue that the probabilities are 0.5 for the second envelope to be higher/lower.

Why there is no paradox

Your problem 3 (as interpreted in my answer) is not the envelope paradox. Let the Z be a Bernoulli random variable with P(Z=1)=0.5. Define the amount Y in the 2nd envelope so that Z=1 implies Y=2X and Z=0 implies Y=0.5X. In the scenario here, X is selected without knowledge of the result of the coin-flip and thus Z and X are independent, which implies E(YX)=1.25X.

Thus, if if X>0 (or at least E(X)>0), the player will prefer to switch to envelope 2. However, there is nothing paradoxical about the fact that if you offer me a good deal (envelope 1) and an opportunity to switch to a better deal (envelope 2), I will want to switch to the better deal.

To invoke the paradox, you would have to make the situation symmetric, so that you could argue that I also want to switch from envelope 2 to envelope 1. Only this would be the paradox: that I would want to keep switching forever. In the question, you argue that the situation indeed is symmetric, however, there is no justification provided. The situation is not symmetric: the second envelope contains the amount that was picked as a function of a coin-flip and the amount in the first envelope, while the amount in the first envelope was not picked as a function of a coin-flip and the amount in the second envelope. Hence, the argument for switching back from the second envelope is not valid.

Example with small number of possibilities

Let us assume that (the player's belief is that) X=10 or X=40 with equal probabilities, and work out the computations case by case. In this case, the possibilities for (X,Y) are {(10,5),(10,20),(40,20),(40,80)}, each of which has probability 1/4. First, we look at the player's reasoning when holding the first envelope.

  1. If my envelope contains 10, the second envelope contains either 5 or 20 with equal probabilities, thus by switching I gain on average 0.5×(5)+0.5×10=2.5.
  2. If my envelope contains 40, the second envelope contains either 20 or 80 with equal probabilities, thus by switching I gain on average 0.5×(20)+0.5×(40)=10.

Taking the average over these, the expected gain of switching is 0.5×2.5+0.5×10=6.25, so the player switches. Now, let us make similar case-by-case analysis of switching back:

  1. If my envelope contains 5, the old envelope with probability 1 contains 10, and I gain 5 by switching.
  2. If my envelope contains 20, the old envelope contains 10 or 40 with equal probabilities, and by switching I gain 0.5×(10)+0.5×20=5.
  3. If my envelope contains 80, the old envelope with probability 1 contains 40 and I lose 40 by switching.

Now, the expected value, i.e. probability-weighted average, of gain by switching back is 0.25×5+0.5×5+0.25×(40)=6.25. So, switching back exactly cancels the expected utility gain.

Another example with a continuum of possibilities

You might object to my previous example by claiming that I maybe cleverly selected the distribution over X so that in the Y=80 case the player knows that he is losing. Let us now consider a case where X has a continuous unbounded distribution: XExp(1), Z independent of X as previously, and Y as a function of X and Z as previously. The expected gain of switching from X to Y is again E(0.25X)=0.25E(X)=0.25. For the back-switch, we first compute the conditional probability P(X=0.5YY=y) using Bayes' theorem:

and similarly P(X=2YY=y)=e2yp(Y=y), wherefore the conditional expected gain of switching back to the first envelope is
and taking the expectation over Y, this becomes
which cancels out the expected gain of the first switch.

General solution

The situation seen in the two examples must always occur: you cannot construct a probability distribution for X,Z,Y with these conditions: X is not a.s. 0, Z is Bernoulli with P(Z=1)=0.5, Z is independent of X, Y=2X when Z=1 and 0.5X otherwise and also Y,Z are independent. This is explained in the Wikipedia article under heading 'Proposed resolutions to the alternative interpretation': such a condition would imply that the probability that the smaller envelope has amount between 2n,2n+1 (P(2n<=min(X,Y)<2n+1) with my notation) would be a constant over all natural numbers n, which is impossible for a proper probability distribution.

Note that there is another version of the paradox where the probabilities need not be 0.5, but the expectation of other envelope conditional on the amount in this envelope is still always higher. Probability distributions satisfying this type of condition exist (e.g., let the amounts in the envelopes be independent half-Cauchy), but as the Wikipedia article explains, they require infinite mean. I think this part is rather unrelated to your question, but for completeness wanted to mention this.

I edited my question trying to explain why I think it is similar to the envelope paradox and you would want to switch forever.

@evan54 I rewrote my answer to contain my interpretation of the setting problem 3, more explanation about why the situation is not symmetric, examples etc.
Juho Kokkala

I think I'm close to getting it. I think that once there is a coin flip and envelope 2 contains half/double the amount in your hand you are basically in the situation of the envelope paradox BUT the way you got there guarantees you that you are better off switching. Does that make sense?

also, if it does, is there a way to make it more formal? I may ponder on it more..

@evan54 Not sure. The whole point of the paradox is that it is a situation in which there is no advantage to switching. Thus, anything you change to the setup of the problem that results in it being advantageous to switch, at least initially, must therefore not be equivalent to the setup of the two envelope paradox. Note that in your setup, it only makes sense to switch the very first time. After you switch the first time, you expect to lose by switching back. The flawed logic in the paradox comes into play if you attempt to argue that you should switch back.


Problem 1: Agreed, play the game. The key here is that you know the actual probabilities of winning 5 vs 20 since the outcome is dependent upon the flip of a fair coin.

Problem 2: The problem is the same as problem 1 because you are told that there is an equal probability that either 5 or 20 is in the other envelope.

Problem 3: The difference in problem 3 is that telling me the other envelope has either X/2 or 2X in it does not mean that I should assume that the two possibilities are equally likely for all possible values of X. Doing so implies an improper prior on the possible values of X. See the Bayesian resolution to the paradox.

I see we interpret problem 3 slightly differently. I assumed OP specifically constructs the setting in problem 3 so that the 2nd envelope has probabilities 0.5/0.5. This is clearly possible without improper distributions, but then the possibilities for envelope 1 are not equally likely given the amount in the second envelope.
Juho Kokkala

Agreed, if OP meant that you are told that the other envelope either has X/2 or 2X with equal probabilities, then problem 3 would not be equivalent to the 2 envelope paradox.

yes that was my thinking, that in problem 3 there is equal probability between X/2 and 2X. So you hold 3 envelopes give him the 10 and then flip a coin to see if you give him the 20 or 5 (they are closed) if he decides to switch

@evan54 - if you make the random flip after you choose which envelope to give me, then it's equivalent to problem 1; if you choose both amounts of money, and then make a random flip on which envelope you give me, then it's the situation described above; they're different situations.

@evan54 - the optimal player's decision depends on how you made those envelopes. If you don't tell the player how you did that (only that 50/50 sentence), then the optimal strategy depends on player's assumptions on how likely you are to do it one way or another - the first envelope you prepared is less valuable than the second envelope you prepared; if they were fairly shuffled (and unopened) then it doesn't matter what the player chooses; if the player thinks that you likely (>50%) initially gave him the first envelope, then player should switch and stick with that.


This is a potential explanation that I have. I think it is wrong but I'm not sure. I will post it to be voted on and commented on. Hopefully someone will offer a better explanation.

So the only thing that changed between problem 2 and problem 3 is that the amount became in the envelope you hold became random. If you allow that amount to be negative so there might be a bill there instead of money then it makes perfect sense. The extra information you get when you open the envelope is whether it's a bill or money hence you care to switch in one case while in the other you don't.

If however you are told the bill is not a possibility then the problem remains. (of course do you assign a probability that they lie?)

Introducing the possibility of negative amounts is an interesting observation, but not needed for resolving the issue in your question. See my answer.
Juho Kokkala

It is not necessary to assume the amount in the envelope is random: it suffices that it is unknown. Assuming randomness adduces information--however little it might be--that was not given in the problem!

The biggest difference between 2 and 3 is that being told the other amount is either X/2 or 2X is not the same as being told that the two possibilities are equally likely. Assuming the two amounts are equally likely is not the same as being told the two amounts are equally likely.


Problem 2A: 100 note cards are in an opaque jar. "$10" is written on one side of each card; the opposite side has either "$5" or "$20" written on it. You get to pick a card and look at one side only. You then get to choose one side (the revealed, or the hidden), and you win the amount on that side.

If you see "$5," you know you should choose the hidden side and will win $10. If you see "$20," you know you should choose the revealed side and will win $20. But if you see "$10," I have not given you enough information calculate an expectation for the hidden side. Had I said there were an equal number of {$5,$10} cards as {$10,$20} cards, the expectation would be $12.50. But you can't find the expectation from only the fact - which was still true - that you had equal chances to reveal the higher, or lower, value on the card. You need to know how many of each kind of card there were.

Problem 3A: The same jar is used, but this time the cards all have different, and unknown, values written on them. The only thing that is the same, is that on each card one side is twice the value of the other.

Pick a card, and a side, but don't look at it. There is a 50% chance that it is the higher side, or the lower side. One possible solution is that the card is either {X/2,X} or {X,2X} with 50% probability, where X is your side. But we saw above that the the probability of choosing high or low is not the same thing as these two different cards being equally likely to be in the jar.

What changed between your Problem 2 and Problem 3, is that you made these two probabilities the same in Problem 2 by saying "This envelope either has $5 or $20 in it with equal probability." With unknown values, that can't be true in Problem 3.



I believe that they way you have broken out the problem is completely correct. You need to distinguish the "Coin Flip" scenario, from the situation where the money is added to the envelope before the envelope is chosen

Not distinguishing those scenarios lies at the root of many people's confusion.

Problem 1

If you are flipping a coin to decide if either double your money or lose half, always play the game. Instead of double or nothing, it is double or lose some.

Problem 2

This is exactly the same as the coin flip scenario. The only difference is that the person picking the envelope flipped before giving you the first envelope. Note You Did Not Choose an Envelope!!!! You were given one envelope, and then given the choice to switch This is a subtle but important difference over problem 3, which affects the distribution of the priors

Problem 3

This is the classical setup to the two envelope problem. Here you are given the choice between the two envelopes. The most important points to realize are

  • There is a maximum amount of money that can be in the any envelope. Because the person running the game has finite resources, or a finite amount they are willing to invest
  • If you call the maximum money that could be in the envelope M, you are not equally likely to get any number between 0 and M. If you assume a random amount of money between 0 and M was put in the first envelope, and half of that for the second (or double, the math still works) If you open an envelope, you are 3 times as likely to see something less than M/2 than above M/2. (This is because half the time both envelopes will have less than M/2, and the other half the time 1 envelope will)
  • Since there is not an even distribution, the 50% of the time you double, 50% of the time you cut in half doesn't apply
  • When you work out the actual probabilities, you find the expected value of the first envelope is M/2, and the EV of the second envelope, switching or not is also M/2

Interestingly, if you can make some guess as to what the maximum money in the envelope can be, or if you can play the game multiple times, then you can benefit by switching, whenever you open an envelope less than M/2. I have simulated this two envelope problem here and find that if you have this outside information, on average you can do 1.25 as well as just always switching or never switching.

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