


策略 over是一个函数,该函数根据我到目前为止所进行的查询以及它们的答案,告诉我要查询的节点以及通过遵循该策略来确保在任何谓词上告诉我,我将达到一种状态,在该状态下我知道所有节点上的值。运行时间的上的谓词是需要查询的数量就知道了值所有节点上。的最差运行时间是。最优策略使得。S(X,)PPr(S,P)SPPSwr(S)=maxPr(S,P)Swr(S)=minSwr(S)

我的问题如下:作为输入的poset (X,),如何确定最佳策略的最差运行时间?

[很明显,对于一个空的poset,将需要n查询(我们需要询问每个单个节点),并且对于\ lceil \ log_2 n个\ rceil的总顺序log2n将是必需的(进行二进制搜索以查找边境)。一个更一般的结果是以下信息理论下限:谓词P的可能选择P数是(X,\ leq)的反链数N_X(因为单调谓词与A之间的一对一映射)反链解释为P的最大元素,因此,由于每个查询给我们提供了一点信息,因此我们至少需要\ lceil \ log_2 N_X \ rceilNX(X,)Plog2NX查询,并包含前两种情况。是束缚很紧吗,还是它们是一些结构使得学习可能比反链数量渐近地需要更多查询的姿势?]





Joshua Grochow 2013年





考虑以下姿势。地面集是,和一个小于b Ĵ所有Ĵ { 1 2 }。其他对是无与伦比的。(Hasse图是一个4循环)。X={a1,a2,b1,b2}aibji,j{1,2}4

让我确定一下单调性质与波状体的不适。该位姿具有七个不适感:{ b 1 }{ b 2 }{ b 1b 2 }{ a 1b 1b 2 }{ a 2b 1b 2 }{ a 1a 2b 1{b1}{b2}{b1,b2}{a1,b1,b2}{a2,b1,b2},由于该反链与底价一一对应,因此该波塞具有七个反链。所以,登录2 Ñ X= 登录2 7 = 3此偏序。{a1,a2,b1,b2}log2NX=log27=3


如果战略首先查询,那么对手的答案“ P 1不成立。” 然后,我们留下了五种可能性:{ b 1 }{ b 2 }{ b 1b 2 }{ 一个2b 1b 2 }。因此,为了确定是哪种情况,都需要至少登录2 5 = 3a1P(a1){b1}{b2}{b1,b2}{a2,b1,b2}log25=3更多查询。总共,我们需要四个查询。同样的道理也适用于如果第一次查询是a2

如果策略首先查询,则对手回答“ P b 1成立”。然后,我们剩下五种可能性:{ b 1 }{ b 1b 2 }{ a 1b 1b 2 }{ a 2b 1b 2 }{ a 1a 2bb1P(b1){b1}{b1,b2}{a1,b1,b2}{a2,b1,b2}。因此,和以前一样,我们至少还需要三个查询。总共,我们需要四个查询。当第一个查询为 b 2时,将应用相同的参数。{a1,a2,b1,b2}b2

如果我们把这个偏序集的并行拷贝,那么它有7个ķ反链,并且因此,所提出的约束是登录2 7 ķ= 3 ķ。但是,由于每个副本都需要四个查询,因此我们至少需要4 k个查询。k7klog27k=3k4k



啊,有趣。概括你的例子,很明显,如果答案是¬ P 一个P b ,我们就不会知道。没错,直到所有的2 ň节点在这里查询。但是,有2 nX={a1,...,an,b1,...,bn}i,¬P(ai)i,P(bi)2n反链( 2 Ñ -1的非空子集一个的,同上为 b 的,和空集),因此结合的不紧通过2.感谢对于此示例的一个因素。但是,我真的不知道差距如何/是否大于一个乘数因子,或者是否可以找到一个非平凡的上限,更不用说一个精确答案的算法了。2n+112n1aibi


在他们的论文《每组词集都有一个中心元素》中,Linial和Saks显示(定理1),解决一个姿势的理想识别问题所需的查询数量最多为K 0 log 2 i X ,其中K 0 = 1 /2 - 日志21 + 日志2 5 X 是理想的数量X。他们所谓的“理想”实际上是一个较低的集合XK0log2i(X)K0=1/(2log2(1+log25))i(X)X而且单调谓词与它们不持有的下一组点之间存在明显的一对一对应关系,除了它们的“标识问题”,就是像我的设置一样通过查询节点进行标识,所以我认为它们是处理我感兴趣的问题i(X)=NX

因此,根据他们的结果,信息理论的下限紧缩到相对较小的乘法常数。因此,这基本上解决了所需问题数量的问题,它是的函数,并且是一个乘数常数:在log 2 N XK 0 log 2 N X之间NXlog2NXK0log2NX

Linial和Saks引用希勒(Shearer)的个人来信说,在已知的阶数中,我们可以证明某些K 1的下限略小于K 0(这是本着冈本佳夫的答案谁尝试了这种方法的较小值K 1)。K1log2NXK1K0K1

这并不完全回答我计算的需要,从问题的数量的问题,然而,由于计算ñ XX是#P-完整的,我有一种感觉,有一点希望。(欢迎对此发表评论。)不过,Linial和Saks的这一结果令人鼓舞。XNXX


为布尔正立方体(或者,等效地,对于偏序2 小号的n元组的所有子集的),则答案由Korobkov和汉塞尔定理给出(分别来自1963年和1966年)。汉塞尔定理[1]指出未知单调布尔函数(即,在此偏序的未知单调谓词)可以通过确定的算法使得至多而得知φ Ñ = Ñ({0,1}n,)(2S,)的查询(即,询问φÑ在最坏情况下的问题)。该算法与Korobkov定理[2]的下限匹配,后者说ϕn1个查询不足。(因此,Hansel的算法在最坏的情况下是最佳的。)两种陈述中的算法都应理解为确定性决策树。ϕ(n)=(nn/2)+(nn/2+1)ϕ(n)ϕ(n)1

反链的数量的在对数是渐近等于 Ñ({0,1}n,),所以之间的恒定因子间隙日志ÑX和最优算法性能φÑ2 Ñ(nn/2)2n/πn/2logNX此偏序。ϕ(n)2(nn/2)

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a good treatment of Hansel's algorithm in English available on the web. It is based on a lemma that partitions the n-cube into ϕ(n) chains with special properties. Some description can be found in [3]. For the lower bound, I don't know any reference to a description in English.

Since I am familiar with these results, I can post a description on arXiv, if the treatment in Kovalerchuk's paper does not suffice.

如果没有太大误解,则已经尝试将Hansel的方法推广到至少一个波塞,其中E k是链0 < 1 < < k 1,尽管I不能立即提供任何参考。对于布尔情况,人们还研究了除了最坏情况之外的复杂性概念。(Ekn,)(Ek,)0<1<<k1

[1] G. Hansel,《单调单调的变量》。CR学院 科学 巴黎,262(20),1088-1090(1966)

[2] V. K. Korobkov. Estimation of the number of monotonic functions of the algebra of logic and of the complexity of the algorithm for finding the resolvent set for an arbitrary monotonic function of the algebra of logic. Soviet Math. Doklady 4, 753-756 (1963) (translation from Russian)

[3] B. Kovalerchuk, E. Triantaphyllou, A. S. Deshpande, E. Vityaev. Interactive learning of monotone Boolean functions. Information Sciences 94(1), 87-118 (1996) (link)

Thanks a lot for this detailed answer! For the Boolean n-cube, cf <cstheory.stackexchange.com/q/14772>. I can read French but couldn't find Hansel's paper (should have been available on Gallica but this issue seems to be missing), I found relevant info in Sokolov, N.A. (1982), "On the Optimal Evaluation of Monotonic Boolean Functions", USSR Comput Math Math Phys, Vol 22, No 2, 207-220 (English translation exists). I'm interested about generalizations to other DAGs if you can find refs. Don't hesitate to reply by email (a3nm AT a3nm DOT net) if length limit is a problem. Thanks again!

You are welcome! Unfortunately, I do not know how to bound the algorithm running time in terms of output size. Korobkov's proof of the lower bound, for instance, does not give an answer to that question. However, I feel there may be a reference that is slightly relevant. I'll try to find some time time over the weekend and look for generalizations as well. At the same time, I'm not sure whether a closed English description of the Boolean case (these two theorems) is worth writing...

@a3nm maybe the DAG case hasnt been considered in the literature? could it be harder than the boolean n-cube ordered by inclusion?


@ a3nm,这似乎都类似于查找下限/最小单调电路(大小),但到目前为止还没有发现它有明显的联系……


[NOTE: The following argument doesn't seem to work, but I'm leaving it here so others don't make the same mistake / in case someone can fix it. The issue is that an exponential lower bound on learning/identifying a monotone function, as below, does not necessarily contradict an incrementally polynomial algorithm for the problem. And it is the latter which is equivalent to checking the mutual duality of two monotone functions in poly time.]

I believe your conjecture on logNX is false in general. If it is indeed the case that logNX queries are needed, that implies quite a strong lower bound on learning monotone functions using membership queries. In particular, let the poset X be the Boolean cube with the usual ordering (if you like, X is the powerset of {1,...,n} with as its partial order). The number M of maximal antichains in X satisfies logM=(1+o(1))(n1n/2) [1]. If your idea on logNX is correct, then there is some monotone predicate on X that requires essentially (n1n/2)2n queries. In particular, this implies a lower bound of essentially 2n for the complexity of any algorithm solving this problem.

However, if I've understood correctly [which I now know I hadn't], your problem is equivalent to checking the mutual duality of two monotone functions, which can be done in quasi-polynomial time (see the intro of this paper by Bioch and Ibaraki, which cites Fredman and Khachiyan), contradicting anything close to a 2n lower bound.

[1] Liviu Ilinca and Jeff Kahn. Counting maximal antichains and independent sets. arXiv:1202.4427

Josh, I don't see a problem with the logNX argument. my understanding is that it is open whether a monotone function can be learned in time polynomial in n and the number of minimal elements. the Bioch-Ibaraki paper is about incrementally polynomial algorithm
Sasho Nikolov

Ah, okay. I wasn't aware of that. (Like I said, I'm not an expert in this area - my answer was just based on looking up a few things and putting them together.) I'll leave it here so other people can see it and at least not make the same mistake / at best turn it into something useful.
Joshua Grochow
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