一个挑战是,如果您取消了“单调”限制,我们确实知道如何有效地计算这些东西。您可以使用基于FFT的多项式乘法来计算O (n log 2 n )时间内所有(评估所有n + 1个基本对称多项式)。因此,在单调电路模型中证明Ω (n k )下界将需要证明Ω (n 2)Sn0,…,Snnn+1O(nlog2n)Ω(nk)Ω(n2) 多项式乘法的下界。
Note that since the xi's are known constants, this is a univariate polynomial with unknown y and with degree n. Now you can note that the coefficient of yk in P(y) is exactly Snk, so to evaluate all the Sn0,…,Snn, it suffices to compute P(y).
This makes it possible to compute P(y) in O(nlg2n) time: build a balanced binary tree of polynomials with the (1+xiy)'s at the leaves, and multiply the polynomials. Multiplying two polynomials of degree d takes O(dlgd) time using FFT techniques, so we get the recurrence T(n)=2T(n/2)+O(nlgn), which solves to T(n)=O(nlg2n). For convenience, I am ignoring poly(lglgn) factors.
If you care about the case where k is very small, you can compute Sn0,…,Snk in O(nlg2k) time using similar tricks, keeping in mind that you only care about P(x)modyk+1 (i.e., throwing away all terms of yk+1 or higher powers of y).
Of course, the FFT uses subtraction, so naively it's not expressible in a monotone circuit. I don't know whether there's some other way to multiply polynomials efficiently with monotone arithmetic circuits, but any efficient monotone method for polynomial multiplication immediately leads to an algorithm for your problem as well. So, lower bounds on your problem require/imply lower bounds for polynomial multiplication.