Tags for 数据科学

python × 118
deep-learning × 111
keras × 53
data-mining × 52
nlp × 49
scikit-learn × 46
r × 39
tensorflow × 35
bigdata × 34
text-mining × 34
clustering × 31
dataset × 30
convnet × 29
pandas × 29
time-series × 24
statistics × 22
algorithms × 22
xgboost × 21
rnn × 21
svm × 18
regression × 17
lstm × 13
optimization × 13
tools × 12
beginner × 12
databases × 12
efficiency × 11
word2vec × 11
performance × 10
data × 10
sampling × 10
cnn × 10
similarity × 10
k-means × 10
encoding × 8
sql × 8
career × 8
accuracy × 7
pyspark × 7
prediction × 7
evaluation × 7
training × 7
nosql × 6
gpu × 6
graphs × 6
binary × 6
kaggle × 6
education × 6
dropout × 6
pca × 5
parallel × 5
pytorch × 5
lda × 5
gensim × 5
dataframe × 5
gbm × 5
parameter × 4
theano × 4
map-reduce × 4
scraping × 4
aws × 4
tsne × 4
ipython × 4
gan × 4
outlier × 3
nltk × 3
self-study × 3
search × 3
orange × 3
mongodb × 3
geospatial × 3
anaconda × 3
jupyter × 3
library × 3
pgm × 2
rbm × 2
usecase × 2
numerical × 2
rstudio × 2
octave × 2
books × 2
clusters × 2
ggplot2 × 2
sports × 2
inception × 2
javascript × 2
excel × 2
labels × 2
text × 2
distance × 2
sequence × 2
scala × 2
crawling × 2
metadata × 2
matlab × 2
math × 2
tfidf × 1
smote × 1
theory × 1
vc-theory × 1
variance × 1
research × 1
tflearn × 1
libsvm × 1
csv × 1
freebase × 1
forecast × 1
embeddings × 1
dplyr × 1
data.table × 1
genetic × 1
community × 1
churn × 1
caffe × 1
c × 1
boosting × 1
bias × 1
bert × 1
ab-test × 1
q-learning × 1
processing × 1
plotting × 1
perceptron × 1
parsing × 1
neo4j × 1
mnist × 1
ranking × 1
markov × 1
manifold × 1
.net × 1
kernel × 1
julia × 1
indexing × 1
hinge-loss × 1
google × 1
glm × 1
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