确定STL映射是否包含给定键值的最佳方法是什么? #include <map> using namespace std; struct Bar { int i; }; int main() { map<int, Bar> m; Bar b = {0}; Bar b1 = {1}; m[0] = b; m[1] = b1; //Bar b2 = m[2]; map<int, Bar>::iterator iter = m.find(2); Bar b3 = iter->second; } 在调试器中检查它,看起来就像iter是垃圾数据。 如果我取消注释此行: Bar b2 …
我以前很舒服地使用过工会。今天,当我阅读这篇文章并得知此代码时,我感到震惊 union ARGB { uint32_t colour; struct componentsTag { uint8_t b; uint8_t g; uint8_t r; uint8_t a; } components; } pixel; pixel.colour = 0xff040201; // ARGB::colour is the active member from now on // somewhere down the line, without any edit to pixel if(pixel.components.a) // accessing the non-active member ARGB::components …