Tags for 编程拼图和代码高尔夫

code-golf × 6639
string × 1361
math × 1021
ascii-art × 961
number × 902
sequence × 616
arithmetic × 450
number-theory × 338
integer × 288
primes × 254
geometry × 253
random × 252
grid × 243
game × 243
combinatorics × 241
quine × 219
date × 199
matrix × 193
tips × 191
permutations × 181
sorting × 172
binary × 166
parsing × 159
source-layout × 143
graph-theory × 142
counting × 115
path-finding × 102
fastest-code × 99
subsequence × 94
polyglot × 92
optimization × 91
fibonacci × 86
interpreter × 85
palindrome × 77
chess × 77
alphabet × 74
board-game × 73
python × 71
internet × 69
hello-world × 69
fractal × 66
music × 65
compression × 62
bitwise × 62
card-games × 62
animation × 61
javascript × 57
conversion × 57
polynomials × 55
brainfuck × 54
pi × 51
maze × 50
cryptography × 49
unicode × 48
function × 47
test-battery × 46
metagolf × 44
whitespace × 42
keyboard × 42
stack × 40
simulation × 39
set-theory × 39
underhanded × 39
division × 39
java × 38
chemistry × 37
file-system × 36
generation × 34
tiling × 33
physics × 33
c × 32
factoring × 31
statistics × 30
recursion × 30
hexadecimal × 29
obfuscation × 27
logic-gates × 27
hashing × 26
game-of-life × 26
color × 26
busy-beaver × 25
cipher × 25
logic × 24
encode × 24
tic-tac-toe × 24
trigonometry × 23
factorial × 23
rubiks-cube × 22
audio × 22
interactive × 22
brain-flak × 21
syntax × 21
binary-tree × 21
algorithm × 19
new-years × 18
sudoku × 18
typography × 18
code-bowling × 17
c++ × 17
word × 17
calculus × 16
3d × 15
crossword × 15
lisp × 14
tetris × 14
encryption × 14
stateful × 14
search × 14
networking × 14
minesweeper × 14
word-puzzle × 14
compile-time × 13
c# × 12
comment × 12
topology × 11
packing × 11
assembly × 11
word-search × 11
clock × 11
substitution × 11
apl × 11
haskell × 10
grammars × 10
golfscript × 10
boggle × 10
vim × 9
dominoes × 9
ai-player × 9
morse × 9
hardware × 8
scrabble × 8
checksum × 8
basic × 7
decode × 7
pyth × 7
json × 6
encoding × 6
ruby × 6
proof-golf × 6
compiler × 6
browser × 6
polyomino × 6
pangram × 6
equation × 5
array × 5
jelly × 5
perl × 5
go × 5
css × 4
cubically × 4
befunge × 4
bash × 4
golf-cpu × 4
1p5 × 4
astronomy × 3
time × 3
starry × 3
underload × 3
cards × 3
x86-family × 3
octave × 3
dc × 3
lost × 2
average × 2
r × 2
deadfish × 2
box-256 × 2
s.i.l.o.s × 2
sql × 2
matl × 1
matlab × 1
vba × 1
k × 1
klein × 1
japt × 1
j × 1
lua × 1
hq9+ × 1
php × 1
ast-golf × 1
f# × 1
powershell × 1
showcase × 1
prelude × 1
decimal × 1
swift × 1
sed × 1
burlesque × 1
cjam × 1
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