Tags for 量子计算

algorithm × 57
quantum-gate × 41
architecture × 23
speedup × 21
entanglement × 18
simulation × 15
programming × 14
cryptography × 12
terminology × 12
experiment × 11
models × 8
d-wave × 8
annealing × 8
history × 6
qiskit × 5
bqp × 5
noise × 4
oracles × 4
unitarity × 4
notation × 3
nisq × 3
cloning × 2
qudit × 2
research × 2
anyons × 2
emulation × 2
games × 2
photonics × 2
fidelity × 2
cirq × 1
spdc × 1
dynamics × 1
chimera × 1
q# × 1
qaoa × 1
pyquil × 1
biology × 1
entropy × 1
pegasus × 1
quirk × 1
rigetti × 1
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