Tags for 电脑图像

opengl × 34
raytracing × 30
rendering × 24
texture × 18
performance × 15
shader × 13
gpu × 13
brdf × 12
mesh × 11
lighting × 11
3d × 10
glsl × 10
pathtracing × 10
algorithm × 8
noise × 8
pbr × 7
physics × 7
color × 7
geometry × 7
shading × 7
sampling × 6
gpgpu × 5
gamma × 5
refraction × 5
specular × 4
2d × 4
api × 4
pixels × 4
rasterizer × 4
real-time × 4
filtering × 4
simulation × 3
blur × 3
c++ × 3
material × 3
directx11 × 3
memory × 3
reflection × 3
fresnel × 3
occlusion × 2
opencl × 2
vulkan × 2
webgl × 2
volumetric × 2
vectors × 2
polygon × 2
uv-mapping × 2
scattering × 2
grid × 2
directx12 × 2
direct3d × 2
diffuse × 2
debugging × 2
curve × 2
glm × 2
hardware × 2
artifacts × 2
microfacet × 2
demoscene × 1
animation × 1
directx × 1
buffers × 1
cad × 1
theory × 1
render × 1
trackball × 1
mipmap × 1
motion × 1
matrix × 1
nurbs × 1
mapping × 1
offline × 1
opengl-es × 1
integral × 1
image × 1
ibl × 1
hemisphere × 1
function × 1
radiosity × 1
ray × 1
realistic × 1
fog × 1
fluid-sim × 1
model × 1
drawing × 1
scanline × 1
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