Tags for 计算科学

pde × 77
optimization × 60
python × 48
algorithms × 44
matrix × 39
performance × 33
software × 33
c++ × 32
ode × 27
matlab × 26
fortran × 25
quadrature × 22
hpc × 21
petsc × 21
libraries × 18
lapack × 17
multigrid × 17
monte-carlo × 15
eigensystem × 15
stability × 15
convergence × 14
gpu × 13
education × 13
c × 13
numerics × 12
precision × 12
publications × 11
complexity × 11
simulation × 10
testing × 10
efficiency × 10
blas × 10
accuracy × 9
mpi × 8
numpy × 8
svd × 7
languages × 7
poisson × 7
advection × 7
statistics × 5
compiling × 5
stiffness × 4
cuda × 4
scipy × 4
octave × 4
regression × 4
fenics × 4
basis-set × 4
mesh × 3
data-sets × 3
opencl × 3
comsol × 3
inverse × 3
intel-mkl × 3
geometry × 3
gmres × 3
modeling × 3
plotting × 2
scaling × 2
roots × 2
vtk × 2
tensor × 2
fftw × 2
complex × 2
diffusion × 2
exascale × 2
heuristics × 2
io × 2
openfoam × 2
multicore × 2
stochastic × 1
coupling × 1
symmetry × 1
sympy × 1
eigen × 1
trilinos × 1
paraview × 1
viennacl × 1
b-spline × 1
assembly × 1
wavelet × 1
r × 1
rank × 1
maple × 1
julia × 1
jacobian × 1
scalapack × 1
oop × 1
profiling × 1
pdb × 1
nonconvex × 1
experiment × 1
numba × 1
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