Tags for 计算机科学

algorithms × 432
computability × 142
terminology × 108
graphs × 77
np-complete × 75
graph-theory × 73
automata × 67
logic × 65
optimization × 58
type-theory × 56
context-free × 52
asymptotics × 49
reductions × 40
compilers × 39
sorting × 38
education × 34
efficiency × 27
cryptography × 27
binary-trees × 26
np-hard × 25
history × 24
randomness × 23
p-vs-np × 22
concurrency × 21
parsers × 21
arrays × 20
search-trees × 19
trees × 18
strings × 18
semantics × 17
recursion × 17
np × 16
coq × 14
lower-bounds × 13
sets × 13
integers × 13
entropy × 12
simulation × 12
arithmetic × 12
intuition × 12
hash-tables × 11
didactics × 11
sat-solvers × 11
permutations × 10
books × 10
cpu-cache × 10
network-flow × 10
sampling × 9
security × 9
primes × 8
os-kernel × 8
scheduling × 8
hash × 7
notation × 7
modelling × 7
circuits × 7
graphics × 6
heaps × 6
matrices × 6
encryption × 6
quicksort × 6
typing × 6
factoring × 6
induction × 5
statistics × 5
substrings × 5
counting × 5
sudoku × 5
packing × 5
heuristics × 5
ambiguity × 5
cpu × 5
3-sat × 4
set-cover × 4
paging × 4
clocks × 4
in-place × 4
threads × 4
databases × 4
tiling × 4
stacks × 4
protocols × 3
partitions × 3
prolog × 3
colorings × 3
parsing × 3
c × 3
matching × 3
loops × 3
assembly × 2
union-find × 2
binary × 2
clustering × 2
matroids × 2
intervals × 2
lr-k × 2
lattices × 2
data-sets × 2
topology × 1
xor × 1
rounding × 1
2-sat × 1
syntax × 1
testing × 1
storage × 1
searching × 1
types × 1
equality × 1
consensus × 1
dag × 1
deadlocks × 1
duality × 1
comparison × 1
expanders × 1
hashing × 1
blockchain × 1
algebra × 1
api-design × 1
avl-trees × 1
haskell × 1
ccs × 1
clique × 1
python × 1
ontologies × 1
perceptron × 1
philosophy × 1
physics × 1
pseudocode × 1
queues × 1
radix-sort × 1
real-time × 1
reflection × 1
research × 1
isabelle × 1
iteration × 1
lisp × 1
lists × 1
ll-k × 1
mergesort × 1
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