Tags for 统计和大数据

r × 1299
regression × 1085
probability × 426
distributions × 425
time-series × 423
bayesian × 414
logistic × 330
references × 286
correlation × 265
pca × 227
mixed-model × 217
clustering × 196
self-study × 194
terminology × 190
deep-learning × 167
variance × 166
anova × 153
random-forest × 149
estimation × 142
svm × 136
optimization × 133
p-value × 131
lasso × 129
lme4-nlme × 126
sampling × 121
bootstrap × 120
python × 119
modeling × 116
data-mining × 114
forecasting × 113
intuition × 112
inference × 107
mcmc × 105
mean × 102
t-test × 100
least-squares × 100
linear-model × 99
residuals × 90
chi-squared × 87
survival × 85
algorithms × 82
simulation × 82
arima × 81
outliers × 79
assumptions × 79
binomial × 77
econometrics × 76
dataset × 74
sample-size × 71
cart × 69
aic × 68
pdf × 68
monte-carlo × 68
causality × 68
teaching × 66
bias × 65
frequentist × 65
k-means × 65
r-squared × 64
scikit-learn × 62
prediction × 59
prior × 59
definition × 59
covariance × 57
history × 56
boosting × 56
roc × 55
missing-data × 55
error × 54
median × 53
independence × 52
uniform × 52
svd × 50
large-data × 49
kernel-trick × 49
interaction × 48
spss × 44
likelihood × 44
text-mining × 44
spatial × 43
binary-data × 43
skewness × 43
panel-data × 42
asymptotics × 41
overfitting × 40
moments × 39
stata × 39
matlab × 39
cox-model × 38
glmnet × 38
entropy × 37
robust × 37
software × 35
distance × 35
splines × 35
convergence × 35
quantiles × 34
model × 34
power × 33
multinomial × 33
matrix × 33
histogram × 32
auc × 32
count-data × 31
stationarity × 30
theory × 30
shrinkage × 29
exponential × 29
effect-size × 29
eda × 29
boxplot × 28
post-hoc × 27
validation × 27
elastic-net × 27
tensorflow × 27
lognormal × 27
ordinal-data × 27
posterior × 26
resampling × 26
fitting × 25
spearman-rho × 25
sas × 25
reliability × 25
sample × 25
small-sample × 25
logit × 24
proportion × 24
bic × 24
naive-bayes × 24
ensemble × 24
accuracy × 24
kurtosis × 24
qq-plot × 24
estimators × 23
pearson-r × 23
mixture × 23
seasonality × 23
glmm × 23
survey × 23
finance × 23
excel × 23
scales × 22
notation × 22
caret × 22
predictor × 21
ggplot2 × 21
sem × 21
cdf × 21
lstm × 21
autoencoders × 21
change-point × 20
linear × 20
logarithm × 20
gibbs × 20
tsne × 20
gam × 20
odds-ratio × 19
careers × 19
epidemiology × 19
polynomial × 19
likert × 19
jags × 19
mgf × 19
rnn × 19
smoothing × 18
diagnostic × 18
similarities × 18
online × 18
convolution × 18
games × 17
censoring × 17
population × 17
average × 17
methodology × 17
bayes × 17
proof × 17
dice × 17
hazard × 16
genetics × 16
bagging × 16
ancova × 16
maximum × 16
trend × 16
randomness × 16
eigenvalues × 16
bugs × 15
reporting × 15
loess × 15
lm × 15
scatterplot × 15
ranking × 15
word2vec × 15
nonlinear × 14
metric × 14
contrasts × 14
importance × 14
probit × 14
bounds × 14
consistency × 14
mode × 14
gbm × 14
multi-class × 14
uncertainty × 14
softmax × 14
sparse × 14
paired-data × 14
geometry × 13
binning × 13
libsvm × 13
biplot × 13
ratio × 13
parametric × 13
deviance × 13
separation × 13
copula × 13
confounding × 12
rbm × 12
application × 12
manova × 12
arma × 12
computing × 12
paradox × 12
garch × 12
bonferroni × 12
rating × 11
aggregation × 11
keras × 11
numerics × 11
iid × 11
random-walk × 11
mse × 11
measurement × 11
centering × 11
xgboost × 11
pymc × 10
tukey-hsd × 10
networks × 10
equivalence × 10
marginal × 10
truncation × 10
derivative × 10
var × 10
cauchy × 10
minimum × 10
gini × 10
pooling × 10
bivariate × 10
rpart × 10
train × 10
lags × 9
z-test × 9
euclidean × 9
offset × 9
ecology × 9
mgcv × 9
tables × 9
penalized × 9
psychology × 9
academia × 8
power-law × 8
ties × 8
ranks × 8
rms × 8
sgd × 8
stan × 8
function × 8
mediation × 8
unit-root × 8
intercept × 8
ab-test × 7
threshold × 7
log-linear × 7
perceptron × 7
weibull × 7
vif × 7
percentage × 7
q-learning × 7
dag × 7
integral × 7
ica × 7
gamlss × 7
gee × 7
tost × 6
barplot × 6
multilabel × 6
convex × 6
umvue × 6
ecdf × 6
etymology × 6
adam × 6
lars × 6
adaboost × 6
f-test × 6
dropout × 6
fiducial × 6
microarray × 5
real-time × 5
pandas × 5
nls × 5
c++ × 5
humor × 5
jackknife × 5
reml × 5
efficiency × 5
cohens-d × 5
odds × 5
lsa × 5
numpy × 5
irls × 5
java × 5
fallacy × 5
puzzle × 5
2sls × 4
dispersion × 4
dendrogram × 4
queueing × 4
politics × 4
frequency × 4
dunn-test × 4
fuzzy × 4
e1071 × 4
polling × 4
risk × 4
stacking × 4
web × 4
wavelet × 4
kde × 4
journals × 4
mad × 4
mae × 4
winbugs × 4
scipy × 4
lavaan × 4
cholesky × 4
hmc × 4
univariate × 3
dglm × 3
zipf × 3
precision × 3
weka × 3
diversity × 3
dlm × 3
wishart × 3
validity × 3
weights × 3
valuation × 3
phd × 3
pie-chart × 3
abc × 3
plyr × 3
blue × 3
split-plot × 3
sphericity × 3
bimodal × 3
climate × 3
clogit × 3
sign-test × 3
topologies × 3
theano × 3
tensor × 3
tbats × 3
symmetry × 3
curves × 3
mape × 3
leverage × 3
frailty × 3
fat-tails × 3
gradient × 3
orthogonal × 3
oracle × 3
heuristic × 3
hessian × 3
log-loss × 3
jmp × 3
lsmeans × 3
multicore × 3
noise × 3
path-model × 3
jacobian × 3
marketing × 2
composite × 2
nnmf × 2
neweywest × 2
rotation × 2
isotonic × 2
consulting × 2
gambling × 2
referee × 2
irt × 2
confidence × 2
suppressor × 2
minitab × 2
invariance × 2
census × 2
bias-node × 2
bsts × 2
brownian × 2
summations × 2
medicine × 2
sum × 2
blup × 2
gumbel × 2
gwas × 2
modularity × 2
mase × 2
heckman × 2
hellinger × 2
singular × 2
matplotlib × 2
checking × 2
l-moments × 2
optunity × 2
kriging × 2
adjustment × 2
kpss-test × 2
ward × 2
one-class × 2
demography × 2
ocr × 2
vecm × 2
ergodic × 2
elo × 2
perplexity × 2
z-score × 2
phylogeny × 2
polr × 2
acf-pacf × 2
filter × 2
fraud × 2
julia × 2
arithmetic × 2
kaggle × 2
rayleigh × 2
quotation × 2
rbf-kernel × 2
np × 2
d-prime × 2
range × 2
fractal × 2
cumulants × 2
units × 2
arfima × 1
max-margin × 1
internet × 1
two-sample × 1
lilliefors × 1
legal × 1
attention × 1
yolo × 1
astronomy × 1
logrank × 1
underflow × 1
subset × 1
martingale × 1
log × 1
analysis × 1
vegan × 1
timelines × 1
mars × 1
traminer × 1
torch × 1
variogram × 1
lime × 1
arch × 1
tf-idf × 1
k-medoids × 1
linearity × 1
baum-welch × 1
deep-rl × 1
decision × 1
nps × 1
dbscan × 1
database × 1
cubic × 1
rapidminer × 1
crossover × 1
nnet × 1
nltk × 1
contrast × 1
pcoa × 1
perl × 1
ellipse × 1
plm × 1
elections × 1
partial × 1
effects × 1
pareto × 1
exact-test × 1
polychoric × 1
polygon × 1
dimensions × 1
diagnosis × 1
projection × 1
prophet × 1
optimal × 1
protovis × 1
igraph × 1
churn × 1
skellam × 1
mlogit × 1
choice × 1
chemistry × 1
somers-d × 1
mice × 1
mfcc × 1
sql × 1
in-sample × 1
c# × 1
memm × 1
inequality × 1
gis × 1
constraint × 1
rlm × 1
gamm4 × 1
gan × 1
geography × 1
ruby × 1
sandwich × 1
comparison × 1
gpu × 1
hausman × 1
heatmap × 1
shape × 1
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